Train to Hong Kong airport suspended after violent protests


HONG KONG (AP) — Service on the express train to Hong Kong’s airport was suspended Sunday as pro-democracy protesters gathered there following a day of violent clashes with police.

Trains from the airport on Chek Lap Kok island into the city still were running, MTR Corp. said.

Several hundred protesters have gathered at the airport, one of Asia’s busiest, following online calls to disrupt travel. Many carried umbrellas, a symbol of the protest movement.

Hong Kong has been the scene of increasingly tense protests over the past three months. They started in opposition to a proposed extradition law but have expanded to include other grievances, demands for greater democracy and calls for the Chinese territory’s leader to step down.

Police issued a statement warning that protesters were violating a court injunction against Sunday’s demonstration. A police statement said officers were preparing to clear away the protesters.

On Saturday, protesters threw gasoline bombs at government headquarters and police hit subway passengers with clubs and pepper spray.

Also Sunday, about 200 people gathered at the British Consulate.