Hong Kong protesters rally for support at British Consulate

Hong Kong protesters

HONG KONG (AP) — Hundreds of demonstrators are rallying outside the British Consulate in Hong Kong, as they seek international support in their months-long campaign for democratic reforms in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory.

Those gathered Sunday waved British flags, sang “God save the Queen” and chanted “U.K. save Hong Kong.” They urged Hong Kong’s former colonial ruler to ensure the city’s autonomy is upheld under agreements made when it ceded power to China in 1997. They held similar rallies earlier this month at the British facility and last weekend at the U.S. Consulate.

The protests were triggered in June by an extradition bill that many saw as an example of China’s increasing intrusion and a chipping away at Hong Kong’s freedoms.

Protesters have not yielded despite the government’s promise to axe the bill.