Pelosi suspects Russian involvement in Trump-Zelensky conversation row


NEW YORK, September 27. /TASS/: US Congress House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Democrat from California) suspects that Russia is somehow involved in the current row over the July conversation between US President Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky.

"It is wrong for any foreign government to interfere in our elections and here you have the president of the United States asking for that," she said on MSNBC television in an interview about the accusations that Trump had allegedly put pressure on Zelensky in order to make Ukraine launch an investigation into former US Vice-President Joe Biden’s son in exchange for financial and military assistance to Kiev. "I think Russia has a hand in this, by the way," Pelosi said. She did not elaborate.

The allegations that Trump had exerted pressure on Zelensky to persuade Kiev to indirectly help him secure re-election for a second term in 2020 triggered a row in Washington. The Democratic Party-controlled House of Representatives on Tuesday used the suspicion to launch impeachment procedures against Trump. Biden is currently regarded as one of Trump’s most likely rivals in the presidential election due next year.

The White House on Wednesday released a transcript of July’s conversation between the two leaders. It turned out that Trump by no means urged Zelensky to order an investigation into Hunter Biden in exchange for Washington’s financial and military assistance to Kiev. The US Department of Justice has found that last July’s Trump-Zelensky conversation contained nothing that might constitute a violation of the national legislation or any reasons for further probe or other action.