Spokesperson warns Taiwan's DPP confrontation would lead nowhere

Ma Xiaoguang

BEIJING, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Friday warned Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority that confrontation would lead nowhere and seeking "Taiwan independence" is a dead end.

Commenting on Taiwan leader's remarks on relations across the Taiwan Strait on Thursday, Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said: "The speech is full of confrontational thinking and hostile mentality."

Seeking election benefits, it tried to create a hostile atmosphere against the mainland by smearing and attacking the "one country, two systems" policy and suppress the mainstream public opinion of Taiwan people who want to develop the economy, improve people's livelihood and ease tensions in cross-Strait relations, Ma noted.

"The speech confused right and wrong by describing the efforts of all Chinese people to pursue peaceful reunification, oppose 'Taiwan independence' and maintain the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations as a 'threat' to Taiwan," he said.

It also pandered to Western anti-China forces by labeling the development of the mainland and the realization of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as so-called challenges to regional stability and peace, he added.

This speech once again exposed the DPP authority's nature of seeking "Taiwan independence," Ma said.

"Confrontation would lead nowhere and seeking 'Taiwan independence' is a dead-end," Ma warned the DPP authority, adding that "Taiwan independence" is a serious threat to Taiwan's compatriots.

He stressed that the tide of our times - the cross-Strait situation moving toward peace and stability and cross-Strait relations continuing to move forward - is a trend that cannot be stopped by anyone or any force.

"Those who harm the interests of the people and go against the will of the public and the trend of times will be abandoned by the prevailing trend of history," Ma said.