Entrepreneurs invited to invest in Hangzhou Qiantang New Area in China

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BEIJING, Dec 28 (APP): The individuals and enterprises around the world have been invited to take advantage of the world-class business opportunities and best preferential policies offered by Qiantang New District, Hangzhou, China.

The QND was established to the east of Hangzhou early this year to form an integrated innovation and development zone for the digital economy and smart manufacturing, local authorities said in a statement issued here.

Hangzhou, or Qiantang as was called in history, has long been an economically and culturally prosperous city. Today it is the birthplace of Alibaba, a world-famous enterprise, and a center for China’s smart manufacturing, networking technology and financial services.

As QND is located on the shores of Qiantang River, adjacent to Hangzhou as its hinterland, it has an absolute advantage of location. With Xiaoshan International Airport in close proximity, QND enjoys absolute convenient transportation, which is based on combined resources of two major highways (Su-Shao and Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo), bullet train stations, existing metro stations, together with two more metro lines and Genshan Donglu Tunnel under construction.

Availability of the intra-city expressway shortens the travel time to the hub of Hangzhou high-speed rail. To take a bird-eye view, QND is located at the intersection of the integrative growth area of “Belt and Road Initiative”, the Yangtze Economic Belt and the Yangtze Delta.

In addition to being a “main window” for opening up and a “major platform” for industrial economy, there are three national level programs here in QND: the National Economic and Technological Development Zone, the Comprehensive Bonded Zone and the High and New Tech Development Zone. Also you will find in QND several industrial platforms for the development of medicine and innovation space for university students.

Five leading industries covering semiconductor, health care, smart vehicle equipment, aerospace and new materials are beginning to take shape. To date, domestic and international enterprises that have already settled down in QND are Ford, Panasonic, Toshiba, Merck and Pfizer, Ferrero, Wahaha and Gree. With the rapid development of the biomedical industry, the value of its output accounts for 50% and it has been designated as a priority program to be developed.

It has to be stated that this district has the best talent resources, the most attractive policy and the best platform. It boasts the largest cluster of education institutions, including 14 universities and 250 thousand students, 77 key disciplines and 38 key laboratories, either at the provincial or ministerial level. So far, the district has established collaborative relationships with many top universities around the world to set up an innovation center.

They include the University of Auckland, UCLA, Imperial College London, the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University and China Pharmaceutical University.

QND has signed a strategic cooperative agreements with every one of these 14 colleges and universities and will adopt more prospective and proactive policies to attract talents of various fields and at the same time, build a greater innovation platform to provide talents home and broad a cozy and comfortable working environment.

It is a land for entrepreneurship, with numerous universities, famous enterprises, top scientific achievements, advanced transportation, prosperous business, complete supporting facilities, and a large number of talents.

Business opportunities here are equally available to all individuals and enterprises around the world.