UN: Darfur mercenaries’ fighting with Haftar in Libya

Khalifa Haftar

13 Feb 2020; MEMO: A United Nations report revealed on Tuesday that Sudanese fighters from Darfur have been fighting for the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by retired Major General Khalifa Haftar in his battle against the internationally-recognised Government of National Accord in Tripoli.

The report issued by the United Nations Group of Experts on Sudan said that various Darfurian armed groups are fighting in Libya as mercenaries.

“Haftar gives every ten fighters a military vehicle and weapons. They are tasked to attack institutions and properties, which make them earn more money than that they do in guarding institutions and facilities. If they carry successful attacks, they are allowed to keep the vehicles and weapons they have looted,” the report said.

According to the report, brokers pay up to $3,000 to armed groups for every new fighter who joins Haftar’s Libyan National Army.

“The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLA) (Minnawi) fighters receive a monthly salary of 5,100 Libyan dinars (about $3,650), while officers receive 5,200 Libyan dinars (about $3,700),” the report said, adding that the SLA Commander in Chief, Jumaa Hagar, and his deputy, Jaber Ishaq, receive money from the LNA then hand it over to the movement’s financial officer, Colonel Abdo Dukles, who in turn hands the salaries to the fighters in cash.

The report pointed out that the Darfurian armed groups are also involved in providing protection and safe passage for human traffickers, kidnapping immigrants for ransom, as well as smuggling weapons, drugs and cars in cooperation with criminal gangs in Chad and Libya.

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said in December, last year that the Sudanese mercenaries fighting alongside Haftar’s forces have committed “horrific human rights violations”, accusing the United Arab Emirates of contracting them.