India wants to consolidate illegal occupation in Galwan valley: Chinese defence analyst

Cheng Xizhong

BEIJING, June 17 (APP): A Chinese defence analyst said on Wednesday that Indian side wanted to consolidate its illegal occupation in the Galwan valley and was not interested to resolve the border dispute through talks and consultations.

The Indian side did not want to solve the present border confrontation through a military-level meeting, but only wanted to consolidate its illegal occupation in the Galwan Valley, Cheng Xizhong, a distinguished professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law and my former military diplomat in South Asia expressed these views on the “June 15 border conflict incident” between China and India.

He opined that India had seriously misjudged the international situation and underestimated China, adding, India should take full responsibility of the incident and causing casualties.

“As we all know, the two sides held a military-level meeting on June 6 and “agreed”, but why did the most serious military confrontation since the 1970s occurred on June 15th?” he questioned.

Cheng Xizhong stated that an extremely serious military confrontation began in the western section of the Sino-Indian border in early May of this year. By June 6, the two sides held a military-level talks to “reach a consensus”, which seemed to be gradually resolved, and people were not anticipating occurrence of the unexpected border events. “However, the development of the situation is shocking.”

He said on the evening of June 15, the Indian army seriously violated the consensus of the two sides, carried out illegal activities twice across the line, and provoked attacks on Chinese personnel, which led to serious physical conflicts between the border forces of both sides and caused casualties.

The Chinese analyst pointed out that South Asia, especially India, had now become the hardest hit by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic.

According to the latest figures, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in India had reached 350,000, and more than 10,000 people had died. India should make every effort to prevent and control the spread of the epidemic, and India should make every effort to participate in international and regional cooperation to fight the epidemic.

“But it is puzzling that in recent times, India has from the west, provoke military conflicts against Pakistan from time to time, from the north, it has successively violated the territory of China and Nepal,” he added.

He said the extremely serious military confrontation between China and India lasting more than a month and the further escalation of the military confrontation on June 15 were entirely caused by the Indian side, and the Indian side should take full responsibility.

Cheng Xizhong analyzed that the Indians’ thinking was sometimes difficult for the Chinese to understand, adding, “What are the Indians doing? Do you want to embezzle a large territory of China with your current strength? Everyone thinks that India is really dreaming, but Indians like to dream like this.”

He pointed out that Indians liked to be clever and always miscalculated the situation. They always wanted to invade China’s territory when China encounters some troubles internationally. As a result, military confrontations occur in border areas from time to time.

“Recently, China has encountered some international problems. India thought that the time had come, and sent troops to the Galwan Valley in the western section of the Sino-Indian border, trying to use it as a bridgehead and continue to advance northward and invade Chinese territory,” he added.

Cheng Xizhong said he wanted to tell the Indians that China would not allow them an inch of territory.

In the early 1960s, China’s internal and external situations were very difficult. Even under such conditions, China carried out counterattack operations against Indian troops that invaded Chinese territory.

He said at present, there was only one way to solve the issue of military stand-off peacefully, that was, the Indian troops go back to where they have come from.

He hoped that the Indian authorities should understand the serious consequences of creating border troubles, and the external forces’ attempts to exploit the differences between China and India will not succeed.