Indian top military brass misleading country into war: Chinese scholar

Cheng Xizhong

BEIJING, Nov 10 (APP): Indian military top brass is actively misleading the country to go to war in order to help Modi administration extricate itself from the domestic crisis.

“As I have said many times, China doesn’t want to be hostile to India, nor does it wish to have a war with India.

However, China is not afraid of war, and China has a strong military capability to defend its territory from invasion,” Cheng Xizhong, visiting professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law and former Defense Attache in South Asian countries said on Tuesday.

China’s friendly cooperation with Pakistan does not target any third party. However, China firmly supported friendly countries in South Asia, including Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan, to safeguard their national sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said in a statement issued here.

He said, China’s Ministry of National Defense sent a positive signal about the eighth round of China-India Corps Commander-level meeting, saying that both sides agreed to earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, ensure their frontline troops to exercise restraint and avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation.

Both sides agreed to maintain dialogue and communication through military and diplomatic channels, and push for the settlement of other outstanding issues, so as to jointly maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas.

According to my observation, since May this year, in order to ease the border tension, China has made constant efforts to create a favorable public opinion environment for resolving the military confrontation on the border.

During the meetings between foreign ministers and defense ministers as well as military and diplomatic talks, China has always shown a very sincere attitude to resolve the issues.

After each meeting, according to the consensus reached by both sides, China sends a positive signal to the outside world in favor of easing the border tension.

However, the Indian side always moves in the opposite direction. As for the settlement of the border issue through talks between the two sides, people rarely see any positive statement by the Indian officials.

India’s media always hype up the issue and constantly send out negative information, deliberately aggravating the border tension. India’s military top brass, in particular, have been clamoring for war from time to time.

On November 6, the day of the eighth round of Corps Commander-level meeting, General Bipin Rawat, Chief of Defense Staff, warned that a ‘larger conflict’ with China could not be ruled out if the border confrontation and unprovoked military actions spiraled.

He also said that China and Pakistan acting in collusion meant an omnipresent danger of regional instability with potential for escalation.

On October 5, Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria, Chief of Air Staff, threatened that the Indian Air Force was ready to carry out air attack on China.

He even said that the Indian Air Force was ready to fight on two fronts in the face of escalating tensions with both China and Pakistan.

Analysts observe that after holding the “2 + 2” dialogue and signing a military cooperation agreement with the United States, and obtaining some Rafale fighters from France recently, India seems to be losing its sense gradually.

In particular, the Indian military top brass is actively misleading the country to go to war in order to help Modi administration extricate itself from the domestic crisis, he said.