India has become source of regional unrest: former Defense Attache in South Asian countries

Cheng Xizhong

BEIJING, Nov 16 (APP): In recent years, India has been making enemies on all sides, creating regional tensions. In the north, India illegally crosses the Line of Actual Control and frequently invades Chinese territory.

In the west, India opts for resorting to unprovoked and indiscriminate fire of all calibers including artillery and heavy mortars along the Line of Control in various sectors of AJ&K, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties.

Although Nepal is very small, India also wants to occupy some pieces of its land, Cheng Xizhong, visiting professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law and former Defense Attache in South Asian countries said on Monday.

He opined that in Narendra Modi’s first five-year term, India’s economy showed a good momentum of development, and the country with the largest population in South Asia was expected to get rid of poverty.

However, starting from Modi’s second term, India seems to be less interested in continuing to develop its economy, but more interested in making trouble inside and around the country. Therefore, many scholars believe that India has entered a period of making trouble. The more troubles India makes, the poorer it will be.

It is estimated that India’s per capita GDP may not be as good as Bangladesh’s in 2020 which means that India will become the third poorest country in South Asia.The per capita GDP of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Maldives is higher than that of India.

With the continuous development of the China-Nepal interconnection and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, it is very likely that the per capita GDP of Nepal and Pakistan will surpass that of India, and then India will become the poorest country in South Asia.

Now, the novel coronavirus pneumonia in India is more and more serious. The number of confirmed cases is close to 9 million, and the death toll is over 130 thousand.

Globally, the novel coronavirus pneumonia is the most serious in the United States, but the severity in India is likely to outweigh that of the United States, because India has a large population base. India’s economy is in a sharp decline, falling 23.9% in the second quarter of this year. At the same time, India’s domestic political, ethnic, religious and interregional contradictions have become more and more complex, and large-scale civil unrest is likely to break out at any time.

Under this situation, Modi administration is not focusing on solving domestic problems, but trying to divert the attention of the domestic people and fool the people. To this end, Modi administration launches attacks from all sides, provoking trouble with all neighboring countries, and even has launched “proxy war”, that is, using extreme and terrorist forces to undermine the social stability and economic development of the neighboring countries. Now, India has become the source of regional unrest.

On November 13, Indian Army shelled Pakistan without any reason along the Line of Control in AJ&K, killing at least one Pakistani soldier and four civilians. Since the beginning of this year, Indian Army has violated the cease-fire agreement 2737 times along the Line of Control in various sectors of AJ&K, killing 25 people and seriously injuring 218 civilians.

On November 14, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi presented evidence at press conference, accusing India of planning terrorist attacks against Pakistan in Afghanistan and India’s planned targets include the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor projects.

Foreign Minister Shah Qureshi said Pakistan is submitting the evidence to the United Nations and calling on the international community to jointly condemn India. He also warned that “without the intervention of the international community, it is difficult to guarantee peace in South Asia, which has nuclear weapons.

We have irrefutable facts, and through this dossier we will show to the international community what India is doing. ”

The dossier claims to have substantive evidence of India’s active sponsoring of terrorism inside Pakistan. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Director General ISPR, unveiled details that included audio conversations between people identified as Indian intelligence agents and terrorists inside Pakistan.

In addition, DG, ISPR also said that India has established a 700-member militia group to undermine the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

“The money allocated to this militia group is 60 million U.S. dollars, and there are 10 Indian intelligence agents in the decision-making committee of the militia group.”