Pakistan’s participation at China-ASEAN expo to expand Belt and Road community


BEIJING, Nov 23 (APP): Pakistan’s participation as special partner at upcoming China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) will contribute to Belt and Road Initiative and expand the community.

During a media briefing on features and achievements of the CAEXPO, Wang Lei, Secretary General of CAEXPO Secretariat Monday said that they would unite all parties to help build a road to cooperation and invited Pakistan as the special partner to expand Belt and Road community.

Pakistan will be a special partner at the 17th CAEXPO, scheduled to be held from November 27-30 in Nanning, Guangxi province of China.

To strengthen cooperation in epidemic prevention and to help build a Road to Health, an exhibition area will be set up while a forum and sub-forums will be arranged on health cooperation towards a Health Silk Road.

A theme forum to strengthen cooperation on Free Trade Agreement and build a Road to Recovery will be formed for fuller implementation of favorable policies and faster regional economic recovery in post-Covid period.

He informed that the Online CAEXPO will be launched to help pave the Road to Growth. Online CAEXPO can tap potentials in cross-border e-commerce cooperation and foster new growth drivers in China-ASEAN economic cooperation and trade.

Wang expressed the confidence that in future the CAEXPO will help deepen the building of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and by focusing on the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership Vision 2030, more high-level friendly exchanges and other activities will be planned to bring policy consultation to a new level.

He said in implementing the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CFTA) and other agreements, more effective and professional platform for cooperation will be build to achieve more outcomes in trade connectivity.

A series of high-level meetings and forums will be held in various fields to promote the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, the China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network and the China-ASEAN Information Harbor, for further progress in facilities connectivity.

“We will keep fine-tuning exhibition and make the China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Financial Cooperation and Development a continued success to promote further progress in financial integration”, he added.

A series of cultural exchanges, such as the tourism exhibitions will regularly be held to enhance people-to-people exchanges to a new level.

He said, this year’s CAEXPO will be held both physically and online and it will bring new experiences to exhibitors and the participants.

A number of events will be held to send a new signal of China-ASEAN cooperation to businesses around the world.

Eight high-level forums will be held during the event covering the fields including China-ASEAN FTA, health, international industrial cooperation, technology transfer, information harbor, statistics, insurance, and electricity.