Naxal terrorists torch passenger bus in India

Raipur, Jan 16 (PTI) A group of Naxals allegedly torched a bus in Kasoli village in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh on Wednesday, after asking passengers to alight, police said.

Three Naxals were arrested in connection with the incident, police said.

Talking to PTI, Dantewada Superintendent of Police Abhishek Pallav said the incident took place in Geedam tehsil in the district in the morning.

"The bus carrying 14 passengers left for Chhindnar from Geedam this morning. When it reached Kasoli village, some armed Naxals waylaid it and asked the passengers, its driver and conductor to get down. They later set the vehicle on fire," he said.

They also thrashed the passengers, driver and conductor and snatched their mobile phones. The cadres escaped from the spot soon after, Pallav said.

After being alerted, a police team rushed to the spot and managed to track down the Naxals based on the location of the mobile phones robbed by them. Police chased the Naxals till Korgaon jungle area under Barsoor police station limits.

When the police team reached the Korgaon forest area, the ultras opened fire on them. However, police opened a retaliatory firing and arrested three Naxals.

Police have recovered one of the total 16 mobile phones robbed by the Naxals.

Further investigation is on.