Liaison office of central gov't in HKSAR strongly condemns U.S. "sanctions" on 6 officials of central authorities, HKSAR gov't

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HONG KONG, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Monday strongly condemned the so-called "sanctions" announced by the United States on six officials of the central authorities and the HKSAR government.

The U.S. action wantonly damaged the rule of law and the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong and blatantly provoked the Chinese government and the Chinese people safeguarding national interests, a spokesperson of the liaison office said in a statement.

The spokesperson said the hegemonic move of the United States, based on lies and filled with bias and double standards, is bound to be futile.

The so-called "sanctions" came after the Hong Kong police arrested 53 people on suspicion of breaching the national security law in the HKSAR and local laws on Jan. 6.

After the national security law took effect in Hong Kong, the suspects, ignoring warnings from the HKSAR government, still organized the so-called "primary election" with the goal of paralyzing the HKSAR government, the spokesperson said.

The U.S. side repeatedly smeared the national security law and the "one country, two systems" principle and imposed the so-called "sanctions," which seriously violated the international law and basic norms of international relations, the spokesperson said.

National security is the cornerstone of Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability and those opposing China and messing up Hong Kong will definitely be cracked down under the national security law, which meets the needs of safeguarding national security, the rule of law, the interests of the entire society, and the well-being of common residents in Hong Kong, the spokesperson said.

The liaison office firmly supports the swift and strong response of the HKSAR government and the police to the so-called U.S. sanctions and firmly supports their unwavering commitment to safeguarding national security and Hong Kong's safety, the spokesperson said.

Hong Kong has returned to peace since the national security law was implemented more than six months ago, the spokesperson said.

The fact shows only by comprehensively and strictly implementing the national security law, will national security, Hong Kong's stability, people's peaceful lives and the "one country, two systems" principle be guaranteed, the spokesperson said.

The so-called sanctions and threats by politicians, no matter from which country, can neither shake the strong will of the Chinese people to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests nor stop the historical trend of Hong Kong returning to peace and China's development, the spokesperson said.