Saudi Arabia a major partner in regional security: Pentagon

30 Jan 2021; MEMO: The US Department of Defense has reiterated that Saudi Arabia is a major partner of the US in the Middle East and an important pillar for regional security, Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported on Friday.

Speaking to the London-based newspaper, Pentagon Spokesperson Anton Semelroth announced that the Pentagon continues to assess its situation in the Middle East and the Arabian Gulf region to ensure a balance between operational requirements and risks, and to prepare for achieving global commitments.

On Monday, Spokesperson for the US Department of State Ned Price stated: "As we work to de-escalate tensions in the region through principled diplomacy… We will also help our partner Saudi Arabia defend against attacks on its territory and hold those who attempt to undermine stability to account."

Saudi Al-Arabiya TV reported, according to Asharq Al-Awsat, that the US is preparing to strengthen its military bases in the kingdom during the coming period.

When asked by Asharq Al-Awsat about the suspension of arms sales and transfers to Saudi Arabia, as well as direct commercial sales that were permitted by the Donald Trump administration, Semelroth responded that the measures were temporary.

Semelroth confirmed that these measures aim to: "Ensure that US arms sales meet our strategic goals of building a robust security system for our partners that is more resilient to risks."