Sanctions are only one of many tools US has against Nord Stream 2 - US Department of State

US Department of State

WASHINGTON, February 12. /TASS/: The US administration is continuing to monitor the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project US Department of State Spokesperson Ned Price said at a briefing for reporters on Friday. He added that unilateral sanctions are only one of among many important tools Washington has.

"We are continuing to monitor activity to complete or to certify the pipeline, and if such activity takes place, we’ll make a determination on the applicability of sanctions," Price said.

"But I would hasten to add that sanctions are only one of among many important tools. We’ll work closely with our allies and partners to reinforce European energy security and to safeguard against the sort of predatory behavior we have warned against," he added.

"Our position on Nord Stream 2 has been very clear and it remains unchanged. President Biden has made clear that Nord Stream 2 is a bad deal. It’s a bad deal because it divides Europe, it exposes Ukraine and Central Europe to Russian manipulation, it goes against Europe’s own stated energy and security goals," the US Department of State Spokesperson said.

He also assured the reporters that the current US administration counts on "constructive relationship with members of Congress" on the Nord Stream 2 issue. US lawmakers demand that the executive branch should enforce project sanctions.

"We certainly understand Congress’s legitimate interest in this issue, and we are committed to that engagement with them to ensure that they have the information they need in as timely a manner as we are able to provide," Price said.

In accordance with national legislation, the US administration is to submit a report listing the foreign companies involved in the construction of Nord Stream 2 to Congress by February 16.

For a number of geopolitical reasons, Washington openly opposes the construction of the pipeline and is making active efforts to block this project. Many experts believe that the United States is trying to make the EU countries buy its liquefied natural gas, which is much more expensive than the Russian pipeline gas. The legislation adopted in the United States in the past few years provides for the possibility of applying unilateral restrictive measures, in particular with respect to firms participating in the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 project.