Hamas calls to revoke presidential decrees criminalising Palestine armed resistance

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25 Feb 2021; MEMO: The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas called on Thursday to cancel the presidential decrees issued in 2007 that criminalise the Palestinian factions' military wings, considering them "illegal militias".

Hamas announced in a statement that the decision of Gaza's Ministry of Interior to release 45 Fatah members detained on security charges is a goodwill gesture by the movement and government bodies in Gaza to create a more positive atmosphere ahead of the Palestinian general elections.

Hamas called on Fatah and the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah to: "Create a positive environment for the peaceful conduct of the elections, stop all forms of prosecution, harassment and summons, and to release political detainees."

It also called for lifting the ban on media restrictions, stating: "Many media platforms are still banned by governmental or presidential decisions, such as Al-Aqsa TV and others."

It added that the presidential decrees that consider the Palestinian resistance arms to be "illegal militias" have not yet been cancelled.

Hamas concluded its statement by urging that the time has come to turn the page on the past and move forwards towards a true Palestinian partnership that rebuilds the Palestinian political system on solid foundations.