Turkish opposition slams Trump’s ‘coup bid’ in Venezuela

ISTANBUL; 28 Jan 2019; AA: Turkish opposition party leader strongly on Sunday condemned U.S. President Donald Trump's “coup attempt” against Venezuelan president.

“I strongly condemn Trump’s coup attempt against [Venezuelan President Nicolas] Maduro and I hope Venezuela survives this hardship without being dragged into civil war conditions,” Devlet Bahceli, head of opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), said at his party’s group dinner in Istanbul.

“To resist the oppressor means to stand with the right and truth,” Bahceli said.

“It is my wish that Maduro does not surrender, bow down, and fall into the captivity of imperialism,” he went on to say.

Venezuela has been rocked by protests since Jan. 10 when President Nicolas Maduro was sworn in for a second term following a vote boycott by the opposition.

On Wednesday, Juan Guaido, the leader of Venezuela’s opposition-led National Assembly, declared himself acting president.

U.S. President Donald Trump recognized Guaido as president of the country.

Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama and Paraguay have followed suit while Bolivia and Mexico continue to recognize Maduro.

Russia and China both opposed the U.S. call to support Guaido, and condemned any international interference in the affairs of Venezuela. Turkey and Iran have also put their weight behind Maduro.