Blend of Pak-China tea can be a potential product for international market


BEIJING, Apr 16 (APP): Broken tea from China and Pakistan can be blended and make new products for the international market, said He Qingyuan, deputy director of Tea Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Yunnan has many advantages in developing the black tea industry. “One is that the ecological environment is very good and the quality of tea is very high. Second, the variety of Yunnan black tea is very unique, which is rich in nutrients and contains very high levels of tea polyphenols and theaflavins,”He Qingyuan said.

In Pakistan, the demand for broken black tea is high. “The main producing areas of broken black tea in Yunnan are Lincang, Baoshan, and Dehong. Broken black tea is mainly used to make teabags. Its price is not high in China. Yunnan is also searching for ways to increase its export,” CEN reported on Friday.

According to He Qingyuan, broken black tea has the highest level of mechanization among black tea products. “Tea trees are perennials and can only be planted artificially. Trimming and picking machines are used in tea garden management.

After picking, tea leaves will be processed into broken black tea with CTC combined machines. The higher degree of mechanization, the lower the cost. Mechanization can also guarantee the quality,” he said.

“Pakistan can produce high-quality broken black tea, and its climate is very suitable,” said He Qingyuan and added “Most of the raw materials for broken black tea in Pakistan are a species called Assam tea, which was introduced from India, while the Indian Assam tea was originated from Yunnan.”

He Qingyuan agrees that industrial transfer or guidance from Yunnan to Pakistan can be a very effective way for Pak-China tea cooperation. “Internationalization requires the integration of international resources.

For example, the famous tea company Lipton purchases broken black tea from Yunnan, India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya, and blends them into unique flavored products, which is very suitable for international consumption.”

He believes China and Pakistan can also use this method to develop a new tea product and open the international market together.