China: Adrian Zenz's Xinjiang "genocide" claim a widely questioned fallacy: report

China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

BEIJING, April 30 (Xinhua) -- The so-called "genocide" in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region claimed by Adrian Zenz is a fallacy that has faced doubts and opposition from the international community, a report released by the Xinjiang Development Research Center said on Friday.

The report, titled "Slanderer Adrian Zenz's Xinjiang-related Fallacies Versus the Truth," compared the family planning policies implemented in inland provinces with that in Xinjiang since 1975, showing that the implementation of the family planning policy on ethnic minorities in Xinjiang came 17 years later than that on the Han population in the region, and has been looser than that in inland provinces.

According to statistics, the Uygur population in Xinjiang grew from 10.17 million in 2010 to 12.72 million in 2018, an increase of 25.04 percent. The growth rate of the Uygur population was not only higher than that of the whole Xinjiang population, but also higher than that of all ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, which was 22.14 percent, and obviously higher than that of the Han population in Xinjiang, which was 2.0 percent, the report said.