China attaches great importance to relations with Pakistan

Wang Yi

BEIJING, May 21 (APP): China on Friday said it attached great importance to its relations with Pakistan and was willing to take the opportunity of the 70th anniversary of diplomatic ties to strengthen strategic communication, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges and build a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the new era.

“Today marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Pakistan. President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi exchanged congratulatory letters with Pakistani President Arif Alvi, Prime Minister Imran Khan and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi respectively,” Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said in his briefing.

He said the two sides also held celebratory receptions in Beijing and Islamabad respectively, which were attended by the leaders of two countries.

The two governments, he aid, had agreed to jointly hold more than 120 celebration activities in political, diplomatic, economic, sub-national, scientific, educational, cultural and health fields throughout the year.

“This will extend the warm and friendly atmosphere of celebration throughout the year, and add impetus into China-Pakistan friendly relations,” he added.

The spokesperson said over the past 70 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China and Pakistan had respected, trusted and supported each other through thick and thin.

“Together, we have forged a strong ‘ironclad’ friendship and established an all-weather strategic cooperative partnership.”

He said in recent years, the two countries had actively built the Belt and Road Initiative, pursued high-quality development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and deepened practical and mutually beneficial cooperation across the board.

“This has brought more benefits to our two peoples, injected strong impetus into regional peace and development, and made positive contributions to international fairness and justice.

“Since last year, in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, China and Pakistan have helped each other in times of difficulty, and our all-weather friendship has been further enhanced,” he added.

“We welcome and encourage friendly people from all walks of life, especially young people, to take an active part in the celebrations marking the 70th anniversary, as part of the efforts to carry forward friendship, enhance cooperation and make greater contribution to the cause of China-Pakistan friendship,” he added.

Zhao Lijian also raised slogan “China-Pakistan Dosti Zindabad” (Long live China-Pakistan friendship) in Urdu.