HKSAR gov't refutes Britain's so-called six-monthly report on Hong Kong

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HONG KONG, June 11 (Xinhua) -- The government of China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Friday strongly objected to the false remarks in Britain's so-called six-monthly report on Hong Kong.

The central government has made it clear that it will unswervingly implement the policy of "one country, two systems" and has repeatedly urged foreign governments to stop intervening in Hong Kong affairs, the HKSAR government said, stressing that foreign interference violates international laws and basic principles of non-intervention.

The comments in the report smearing the national security law in the HKSAR could not be further from the truth and are clearly adopting double standards, a government spokesman said.

Any objective person will see that since the implementation of the national security law, stability, which is vital to business activities, has been restored to society and national security has been safeguarded, the spokesman said, adding that Hong Kong people can continue to enjoy their basic rights and freedoms in accordance with the law.

The spokesman emphasized that any law enforcement actions taken by Hong Kong law enforcement agencies are based on evidence, strictly according to the law, for the acts of the people or entities concerned, and have nothing to do with their political stance, background or occupation.

Prosecutorial decisions made by the Department of Justice are based on evidence, applicable laws and the Prosecution Code, and cases are handled with the same benchmark irrespective of the political beliefs or background of defendants, the spokesman said, adding that the constitutional duty of judges, in the exercise of their judicial power, is to apply the law and nothing else.

The HKSAR government also firmly opposed to the misleading claims by some foreign politicians concerning the improvement to Hong Kong's electoral system.

The improvement to the electoral system is both timely and necessary, and the HKSAR government is committed to ensuring elections are conducted in a fair, just and open manner, the spokesman said.