'Yemen government only internationally-recognised legitimate authority': US State Department

 Timothy A. Lenderking

25 June 2021; MEMO: The US has reiterated its recognition that the Yemeni government is the only internationally-recognised legitimate authority in the country.

The US Department of State announced in tweets published on Friday: "We have seen some false media reports about the recent statements of the US Special Envoy for Yemen, Tim Lenderking, regarding the Houthis and the conflict in Yemen."

The US Department of State indicated: "The United States like the rest of the international community recognises the government of Yemen, and it is the only internationally-recognised legitimate government in Yemen."

Lenderking explained in the tweets: "No one can save the Yemeni people or neutralise the conflict by mere wishful thinking, so let's deal with the facts on the ground."

The US Department of State noted that the Houthis need to undertake an integral part of any peace process in Yemen, while expressing concern over the militia's focus on waging war and exacerbating the suffering of Yemeni citizens: "Rather than being part of the solution to the conflict."

Local and international media quoted the US envoy stating: "The United States recognises the Houthis as a legitimate party."

At a conference held by the National Council on US-Arab Relations (NCUSAR) on Thursday, Lenderking urged the Houthi group to support the political process led by the United Nations to achieve peace.