Pakistan-Russia approach conducive to regional peace: Prof Cheng Xizhong

Cheng Xizhong

BEIJING, Dec 2 (APP): Nowadays, it is in the interests of all stakeholders to promote the situation in Afghanistan towards lasting peace and stability. At this critical moment, Pakistan is actively playing the key role.

As far as the Afghan issue is concerned, Pakistan and Russia are both important countries. Constantly deepening Pakistan-Russia cooperative relations is conducive to the respective interests of both sides, the positive development of the situation in Afghanistan and the maintenance of regional peace and stability.

Therefore, relevant positive forces should constantly strengthen coordination and cooperation to jointly deal with the sabotage of the international and regional forces. “We should be highly vigilant against the regional power fishing in troubled waters.

These views were expressed by Cheng Xizhong, Visiting Professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Special Commentator of China Economic Net, former Defense Attache in South Asian countries in an article issued here on Thursday.

Professor Cheng Xizhong noted that Pakistani National Security Advisor Dr. Moeed Yusuf and Russian Security Council Secretary, Nikolai Patrushev held in-depth discussions on bilateral, regional as well as international issues particularly Afghanistan situation on Wednesday.

In the bilateral domain, matters of mutual interest including cooperation in economic, energy, defense, counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, and information and cyber security came under full discussion.

In recent years, with the approach of international and regional powers, Pakistan and Russia have made efforts to expand all-round cooperation, especially in the field of security and defense, including joint military exercises and weapons and equipment cooperation.

He concluded that in view of the evil intentions and non-cooperative attitude of the regional power, the approach of Pakistan and Russia is in line with the aims of the Shanghai Co-operation Organization (SCO) and the common needs of the two countries to jointly combat terrorist forces and seek regional peace.