Indian extreme nationalism leading killing of thousands of innocent people: Chinese Scholar

Indian security forces

BEIJING, Dec 5 (APP): Indian security forces not only slaughter thousands of Kashmiri people in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K), but also indiscriminately kill innocent people in the northeast and many other areas, constantly creating new “miracles” in human rights violations.

The main targets of massacres by Indian security forces are ethnic minorities, Muslims and all the other non-Hindus social groups. The massacre of the population is closely related to the extreme nationalism of the Indian authorities and the principle that domestic calming must precede resisting foreign aggressions implemented by the Indian authorities.

These views were expressed by Cheng Xizhong, Visiting Professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Special Commentator of China Economic Net, former Defense Attach in South Asian countries in an article issued here on Sunday.

India has a population of 1.38 billion, of which about 20% are non-Hindus. If the Indian authorities continue to implement the religious extremism policy, 276 million people may be slaughtered.

In view of this, the international community should act immediately and take resolute measures to stop the Indian authorities from killing the innocent people.

Professor Cheng Xizhong has noted that according to a report by the Hindu on December 5, 13 civilians were killed by Indian security forces in Nagaland in Northeast India.

It is reported that the incident occurred on the evening of December 4. At that time, these civilians were going home from a coal mine. They were daily wage earners. Indian security forces mistook these civilians for militants and ambushed them.

Local angry people expressed that blood debts should be paid with blood. Such incidents occur so frequently, which is bound to lead to wider and stronger resistance movements.