Washington's anti-China allegations groundless, counterproductive: Asia Times

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HONG KONG, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- Washington's anti-China policies have backfired spectacularly, hurting its own and its allies' interests, said an opinion piece published by Asia Times.

The United States has used unsubstantiated claims such as "genocide" and "forced labor" to impose sanctions, trade wars and other measures to "punish" China, while recruiting other countries to do the same, said the article on Wednesday.

U.S. containment policies against China have proved counterproductive because they are based on lame excuses and disinformation, hurting U.S. national interests and increasing the number of nations turning their backs on America, said the article.

U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods increased production costs and consumer prices, undermining the recovery of the declining U.S. economy impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, said the article.

China's policies have proved remarkably successful and China has no willingness to change its development path of "socialism with Chinese characteristics" and its governance architectures, the article said.

Working with China would help the United States and its allies address many of the issues they face, including climate change, economic recovery, the COVID-19 pandemic, and global security, the article pointed out.