China urges U.S. to correct wrongdoings in trade practices following WTO ruling

World Trade Organization

BEIJING, Jan. 27 (Xinhua) -- China has urged the United States to "find no more excuses and immediately correct the wrongdoings" in its trade practices after a World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling granted China rights to slap tariffs on U.S. goods, according to the Ministry of Commerce on Thursday.

On Jan. 26, the WTO issued the decision that China could impose tariffs on goods imported from the United States totaling up to 645 million U.S. dollars a year, as the U.S. side failed to implement previous recommendations and rulings made by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body.

"The ruling is of great significance in rectifying U.S. countervailing duties on imported Chinese goods, protecting the legitimate trade interests of Chinese companies and safeguarding multilateral trading systems," the commerce ministry said.

It is the second time China has been granted rights to impose retaliatory tariffs on imports from the United States, the ministry said.