China: Cooperation, not confrontation should be key driver in int’l politics: PM

Imran Khan

BEIJING, Feb 4 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday reiterated Pakistan’s stance that the key driver in international politics should be cooperation, rather than confrontation as the world did not need another Cold War.

“In view of myriad global challenges, the world did not need another Cold War. Divisions could result in mounting sufferings and prevent common benefits. Pakistan was, therefore, of the belief that the key driver in international politics should be cooperation, rather than confrontation,” he said.

The prime minister, in an exclusive session with the heads and representatives of leading Chinese think tanks, universities and Pakistan Study Centers during his four-day China visit, recalled that Pakistan in the past had played a role in building bridges and remained ready to do so again.

Referring to Pakistan’s National Security Policy, the prime minister stressed that his government put economic security at its core. This vision is built upon connectivity and development partnership for which China remains an indispensible partner for Pakistan, he added.

During the session, the prime minister emphasized the importance of Pakistan-China relationship and ensuring regional stability and prosperity.

He highlighted China-Pakistan common position on multilateral forums and reaffirmed Pakistan’s firm commitment to One-China Policy and other issues of core interests.

The prime minister also thanked China for its unwavering support on Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

He spoke about importance of Pakistan-China ties in ensuring regional stability and prosperity.

Reaffirming Pakistan’s All-Weather Strategic Partnership with China, the prime minister highlighted the importance of CPEC as a flagship project of President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative.

He emphasized that while Phase-I of the CPEC was focused on infrastructure development and connectivity, the next phase would focus on industrialization, cooperation in information technology and agricultural transformation.

The prime minister highlighted that Pakistan was offering incentives for investment that were at par with or better than other investment destinations.

Discussing the regional dynamics, the prime minister said that he believed that it was in the mutual interest of Pakistan and China to cooperate in ensuring peace and security in Afghanistan.

He called on the international community that Afghans were not left alone in this time of need. He underlined the importance of Pakistan and China working with Afghanistan to advance shared objectives of peace, development and connectivity.

Prime Minister Imran Khan pointed to India’s aggressive behavior and the prevailing Hindutva ideology as a threat to regional peace and a cause of lingering instability of region.

He called attention to India’s continued atrocities in the IIOJK and stressed that the world must pay attention to India’s oppression against Kashmiris.

He stressed on the importance of further strengthening people-to-people contacts including cultural and academic linkages between think tanks, universities and research institutions of the two countries.

He also stressed on the need for greater efforts for joint research and intellectual dialogue to better appreciate the common threats and opportunities facing the two countries.

The meeting was attended by Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Finance Minister Shaukat Fayaz Tarin, Information Minister Chaudhry Fawad Hussain, Planning Minister Asad Umar, Advisor on Commerce Abdul Razzak Dawood, SAPM on CPEC Affairs Khalid Mansoor, National Security Adviser Dr. Moeed Yousaf and senior officials.