Trump rails at 'totally untrue' Mueller report calls it bull----

Donald Trump

20 Apr 2019; DW: US President Donald Trump labeled accusations in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report as "total bullshit" in a series of Twitter posts on Friday.

"Statements are made about me by certain people in the Crazy Mueller Report, in itself written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are fabricated & totally untrue. Watch out for people that take so-called "notes," when the notes never existed until needed," Trump railed on Twitter.

"Because I never agreed to testify, it was not necessary for me to respond to statements made in the 'Report' about me, some of which are total bulls--- & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad).

"This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened."

Two hours after his second post, he had not finished his train of thought on Twitter.

Trum tweet about Mueller RepThe US Justice Department released a redacted version of the Mueller's findings from his 22-month investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign as well as obstruction of justice by Trump and his team.

The redacted document found that "the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion," and details several links between the Trump campaign and Russia.

However, Mueller concluded that Trump and his aides did not coordinate with the Russian government.

The report also details 10 instances where Trump may have attempted to obstruct the investigation, including unsuccessfully ordering then-White House counsel Donald McGahn to fire Mueller.

Mueller did not come to a conclusion as to whether Trump attempted to obstruct justice, but said the evidence "did not exonerate" the president.

In his series of Tweets, Trump may have been referring to testimony provided by any number of people. Their testimony was often backed up by hand-written notes taken during or after meetings, detailing their encounter with the president.

In one instance, when former Attorney General Jeff Sessions first told Trump that the Justice Department was appointing a special counsel to look into collusion allegations Trump slumped back in his chair and said, "Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm f----d."

"Everyone tells me if you get one of these independent counsels it ruins your presidency. It takes years and years and I won't be able to do anything."

The quotes were taken from notes taken by Sessions's chief of staff Jody Hunt.