Palestine: Gaza rally warns about 'explosion' due to Israeli violence in Jerusalem

14 Feb 2023; MEMO: A rally of local and international organisations and charities was held in Gaza on Monday in support of Jerusalem, warning of a "potential explosion" due to continuous Israeli violence in Jerusalem and attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, Anadolu has reported. At least 70 organisations took part in the rally, including the Palestinian Ministry of Religious Endowments (Awqaf), the International Union of Muslim Scholars, the Committee of Palestine Scholars and the Preachers' Forum.

The rally took place on the first day of Global Jerusalem/Al-Aqsa Week, which is marked between 13 and 20 February each year. Deputy Awqaf Minister in Gaza Abdul Hadi Al-Agha addressed the participants.

"The [Israeli] occupation's aggression against our people and the Judaisation of the city of Jerusalem and blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque ushers in the strong potential for an explosion in the region," he pointed out. "The Israeli occupation continues to harm the Palestinians and provoke them. It imposes strict measures against them on the ground and increases raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Al Agha called for the Palestinians to increase their visits to Al-Aqsa Mosque and boost their presence in order to defend the Noble Sanctuary against the "ongoing" Israeli violations.

Defying the status quo, illegal Jewish settlers, protected by Israeli military police, raid Al-Aqsa Mosque and perform religious rituals there, while strict restrictions are imposed by Israel on the Palestinians, who have the sole legitimate right to worship in the sanctuary.