Decisions of G7 Hiroshima summit aimed at containing both Russia and China — Lavrov


MOSCOW, May 20. /TASS/: The decisions adopted at the G7 summit in Hiroshima pursue the goal of dual containment of Russia and China, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the 31st Assembly of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy on Saturday.

"Could you take a look at those decisions which are being debated and adopted at the G7 summit in Hiroshima and which are aimed at dual containment of Russia and the People’s Republic of China?" he said.

Lavrov pointed out that the Western track has "completely outlived itself" in the form it had been developing in the Russian foreign policy until recently, as Russia embarked on the path "of most dramatic confrontation with the aggressive bloc comprising the Unites States, the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance."

"The objective was announced loudly and frankly, which is to defeat Russia on the battlefield, and without stopping at this, to eliminate it later as a geopolitical rival, so to speak, along with any other country that claims an independent place in the world, they will be suppressed as opponents," the minister added.

The top diplomat also pointed out that the Western countries’ expert community is overtly discussing the order to work out scenarios aimed at Russia’s breakup, and "they do not conceal that the existence of Russia as an independent center is incompatible with the goal of the West’s global domination."