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Asia's largest tulip garden in Kashmir opens for public Aseem Chaudhary 26/03/2021 - 08:40

Srinagar, Mar 25 (PTI) Asia's largest tulip garden overlooking the famous Dal Lake here in the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir was thrown open to the public on Thursday, marking the beginning of the new tourism season in the valley.

Formerly known as Siraj Bagh, the Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden was opened in 2008 by then chief minister of erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir state Ghulam Nabi Azad.

Roundup cancer case: US jury deals blow to Bayer Adam Baker 20/03/2019 - 09:30

19 Mar 2019; DW: A US jury concluded on Tuesday that the Roundup weed killer was a "substantial factor" in causing cancer in a 70-year-old California man.

The ruling is a blow to Bayer, whose subsidiary Monsanto makes the herbicide. The trial could pave the way for more cases linking glyphosate in Roundup to the development of cancer.

Details of the case:

Monsanto owners call weed killer 'safe' after jury orders big payout Prakash Nath 11/08/2018 - 12:31

11 Aug 2018; AFP: Monsanto's German owners insisted Saturday that the weed killer Roundup was "safe", rejecting a California jury's decision to order the chemical giant to pay nearly $290 million for failing to warn a dying groundskeeper that the product might cause cancer.

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