
Pentagon chief urges Iraq to stop attacks on bases housing U.S. forces

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper on Monday urged Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to take steps to prevent bases housing U.S. troops from being shelled, a statement from the premier’s office said.

Esper’s call came after a senior U.S. military official warned last week that attacks by Iranian-backed groups on bases hosting U.S. forces in Iraq were pushing all sides closer to an uncontrollable escalation.

Iraqi caretaker PM denounces U.S. sanctions on Iraqi figures

BAGHDAD, Dec. 15 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi on Sunday condemned the inclusion of Iraqi figures in a list of U.S. sanctions despite their role in combating the extremist Islamic State (IS) group.

"We reject and denounce the inclusion of the names of Iraqi leaders and figures known for their history and political role in the fight against the IS in sanction lists by countries with which we have relations and agreements," Abdul Mahdi said in a statement by his office.

4 rockets hit military base near Iraqi capital, 6 wounded

BAGHDAD, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- Four Katyusha rockets struck a military base near Iraq's capital Baghdad, leaving six military personnel wounded, the Iraqi military said Monday.

The rockets landed at the military base near Baghdad airport at the southwestern edge of the city, according to a statement by the media office affiliated with the Iraqi Joint Operations Command.

Drone targets Shia cleric’s home in Iraq

07 Dec 2019; MEMO: A drone has reportedly targeted the home of Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in the southern Iraqi city of Najaf, a leader of his movement said Saturday, Anadolu reports.

In a statement, Saleh Muhammad al-Iraqi, who is close to the Shia cleric, said the attack came “in response to orders issued by al-Sadr to protect protesters” in Baghdad.

Twelve protesters killed in Baghdad attack as US imposes new sanctions

7 December 2019; AFP: Twelve demonstrators were killed and dozens wounded late Friday after unidentified men attacked an anti-government protest camp in Baghdad, marking a new violent turn for the anti-government movement.

The bloodshed came as the US accused Iran of "meddling" in Iraq's turmoil and slapped sanctions on Iran-backed groups for allegedly cracking down on protesters.

15 killed in Iraqi capital as assailants fire live rounds

BAGHDAD (AP) — Gunmen in cars opened fire Friday in Baghdad’s Khilani Square. leaving at least 15 people dead and 60 wounded, Iraqi security and medical officials said. At least two of the dead were policemen.

Protesters fearing for their lives ran from the plaza to nearby Tahrir Square and mosques to take cover. It wasn’t immediately clear who did the shooting.

Pro-paramilitary demonstrators flood Iraqi protest camp, rattling anti-government protesters

BAGHDAD, Dec 6 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Crowds backing a paramilitary force close to Iran flooded the Iraqi capital’s main protest camp on Thursday, rattling anti-government demonstrators who have denounced Tehran’s role in their country.

Their flash-protest hinted at a new effort to delegitimize or intimidate the regime change movement and came after the apparent torture and death of a 19-year-old girl taking part in the rallies.

Five Rockets Hit Airbase Housing U.S. Troops In Iraq

BAGHDAD, Dec 4 (NNN-NINA) – Five rockets hit an airbase that houses U.S. troops, in Iraq’s western province of Anbar, the Iraqi military said.

The rockets struck the Ain al-Asad airbase, where hundreds of U.S. troops are stationed, but caused no casualties, the media office, affiliated with the Iraqi Joint Operations Command, said, in a statement.

It gave no further details, but added that, more information would be released later.

U.S. Vice President, Mike Pence, paid an unannounced visit to the airbase on Nov 23, to meet with the U.S. troops.

Iraq parties in talks over new PM amid unrelenting protests

3 December 2019; AFP: Iraq's rival parties were negotiating the contours of a new government on Monday, after the previous cabinet was brought down by a two-month protest movement insisting on even more deep-rooted change.

After just over a year in power, premier Adel Abdel Mahdi formally resigned Sunday after a dramatic intervention by top Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani.

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