
Rightwing extremists raid mosque in Brisbane

A group of men went to the Kuraby mosque in southern Brisbane on Wednesday, asked permission to be let inside to film what was going on, and then started abusing and threatening the worshippers.

“They started saying Islam is a cult and they started going through the books,” and called the worshippers “uncivilised animals”, said Ali Kadri, spokesman of Islamic Council of Queensland.

He said the men threatened a 65-year-old man and told a 15-year-old boy, “you don’t belong in this country, you bloody terrorist, and we should burn this place down to the ground”.

Australia to buy long-range military surveillance drones

Christopher Pyne. Australian Defence Industry Minister, has announced purchase of six Triton military surveillance drones from US at a cost of about $7 billion – more than $1 billion each.

In an interview with Fairfax Media, Christopher Pyne said that the “unmanned vehicle travels about 11,000km in its range…” and “can go up for a day or more at 60,000 feet”. He said that the fleet “will cover South China sea”.

“we cover about 10% of world’s surface in Australia in reconnaissance and surveillance for our allies, particularly for United States”, said Pyne.

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