
China vows to continue support for Lebanon's military

BEIRUT, March 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon Wang Kejian said on Monday that China will continue to support the Lebanese army, the National News Agency reported.

"China intends to approve donations for Lebanon's military institutions," Wang said.

Wang's remarks came during his meeting with Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Bou Saab to congratulate him on his new role in the new government.

China to continue supporting Lebanon's security, stability: ambassador

BEIRUT, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon Wang Kejian said on Friday that China will continue supporting Lebanon's security and stability, according to a statement released by the Chinese Embassy in Lebanon.

"China will always support Lebanon's efforts to safeguard national independence, security and stability," Wang said during his meeting with Lebanese President Michel Aoun.

Wang's visit came against the background of the formation of a new government in Lebanon.

Lebanese government wins vote of confidence

BEIRUT, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- The new Lebanese government won on Friday the vote of confidence with 111 votes out of 128 after discussing the ministerial statement for four days during this past week, Tele Liban local TV Channel reported.

Prior to the voting, Prime Minister Saad Hariri gave a speech while focusing on the need to conduct reforms in a bid to avoid the deterioration of the country on all levels.

"We have agreed on the main points in the statement and we know very well that if we do not agree the country will collapse," he said.

Hezbollah chief warns Israel against continuing strikes in Syria

27 Jan 2019; AFP: The chief of Lebanon's Hezbollah movement has warned Israel against continuing strikes in Syria targeting mainly Iranian positions, saying it could fuel war in the region.

Israel's army has since 2013 claimed hundreds of attacks on what it says are Iranian military targets and arms deliveries to Tehran-backed Hezbollah, with the goal of stopping its main enemy Iran from entrenching itself militarily in neighbouring Syria.

UNIFIL strongly disapproves of Israeli violation of Lebanon's airspace

BEIRUT, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- The spokesperson for the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Andrea Tenenti said Thursday that the UNIFIL strongly disapproves of the daily Israeli violation of Lebanon's airspace.

"Using Lebanon's airspace violates Lebanon's sovereignty and UN Resolution 1701. These violation contradict with our goals and efforts of minimizing the level of tension while creating a stable atmosphere in southern Lebanon," Tenenti was quoted as saying by Elnashra, an online independent newspaper.

UN urges Lebanon, Israel to refrain from sudden activities near Blue Line

BEIRUT, Jan. 10 (Xinhua) -- The chief of United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) on Thursday urged Lebanon and Israel to refrain from any sudden activities near the Blue Line separating the two countries.

"The UNIFIL must be notified of any activities near the Blue Line in order to ... put in place coordinated security arrangements to avoid any possible incidents or violations," said Stefano Del Col.

Lebanon must join Syria's reconstruction: minister

BEIRUT, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- Lebanon's Caretaker Economy Minister Raed Khoury insisted Wednesday that Lebanon should participate in Syria's reconstruction and benefit from this "huge opportunity", local media reported.

"We should take part in Syria's reconstruction which will witness the participation of all regional countries," Khoury was quoted by Akhbar Al Yawm local agency as saying.

Khoury noted that Lebanon should benefit from Syria's reconstruction, especially after Lebanon has paid "a big cost" as a result of the war in the neighboring country.

Lebanese labor union to strike urging gov't formation

BEIRUT, Jan. 1 (Xinhua) -- The Lebanese General Labor Union head Bechara Asmar called Tuesday for a nationwide strike on Friday to accelerate government formation, local media reported.

"We call for a nationwide strike this coming Friday for the public and private sectors in a bid to push officials to form a government and save the Lebanese people," Asmar was quoted by the National News Agency as saying.

Hezbollah vows to retaliate for any Israeli attack

BEIRUT, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) -- Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Saturday that his party will retaliate for any Israeli attack on Lebanon.

"We will inevitably respond to any attack against Lebanon and we will not accept any underestimation by the enemy of the country's power as it used to do in the past," he said in a televised speech marking the party's "Martyrs' Day."

Nasrallah said that "Hezbollah has a tremendous rocket capability and the enemy will not dare to attack Lebanon because of this power."

"Any attack will be faced automatically," he said.

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