Middle East & North Africa

Israel tries to cover attempt to take over Al-Aqsa mosque

RAMALLAH, Palestine, Sept 10 (NNN-XINHUA) - Palestine Liberation Organisation's (PLO's) official, Adnan Husseini, said that, Israel "is giving an official cover to its plans to control" Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Husseini made the remarks, in response to the participation of an Israeli minister, in a tour by a group of settlers, into the holy site. The tour was considered by Palestinians "an incursion."

Protesters burn Iranian consulate in Iraq's Basra

BAGHDAD, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Dozens of demonstrators stormed the Iranian consulate in Iraq's southern city of Basra on Friday, setting fire to the building, a security source said.

The Iranian employees had withdrawn from the building to safe places before the attack, the source said on condition of anonymity.

Turkish, Russian, Iranian presidents meet in Tehran

TEHRAN; 7 Sep 2018; AA: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met his Russian and Iranian counterparts on Friday to discuss Syria.

The meeting between Erdogan, Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani in the Iranian capital Tehran was held to discuss joint efforts as part of the Astana process and political efforts for finding a lasting solution to the Syrian conflict.

The leaders will hold a news conference after the summit.

Reporting by Ilkay Guder:Writing by Diyar Guldogan

Iran's FM says U.S. seeks to "abuse" UN Security Council to blame Iran

TEHRAN, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- Iranian Foreign Minister said on Wednesday that the United States seeks to "abuse" the upcoming meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC) to blame Iran for the violation of international law.

It is the U.S. President Donald Trump who is violating the international law and is bullying others to do the same, Mohammad Javad Zarif said with reference to the UNSC resolution 2231 on Iran's nuclear program.

On Tuesday, it was announced in Washington that Trump was going to chair a meeting of the UNSC on Iran on Sept. 26.

Israel’s top court says West Bank village can be demolished

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s Supreme Court on Wednesday cleared the way for the demolition of a Bedouin village in the West Bank, rejecting a final appeal in a case that has drawn heavy international criticism and become a rallying cry for the Palestinians.

In its decision, the court rejected an appeal to block the demolition of Khan al-Ahmar. It said that a stay would expire in a week, and the encampment could then be legally torn down. There was no date immediately announced for the demolition.

Qatar to grant permanent residency to expats

DOHA, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- Qatar has approved a law to grant permanent residency to expatriates under certain conditions, said state-run Qatar News Agency on Wednesday.

The Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani approved the permanent residency law, stipulating that expatriates who fulfill eligibility criteria can apply for a permanent residency.

Candidates born abroad should complete 20 years in Qatar on a legal, ordinary residency, and for those born in Qatar, the time required will be 10 years.

Iran launches major petrochemical projects amid "economic wars"

TEHRAN, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday launched new projects to produce methanol, urea and ammonia in the south of the country, Press TV reported.

The projects, inaugurated by President Hassan Rouhani in the southern city of Assalouyeh, will cost 1.85 billion U.S. dollars, it said.

In the opening ceremony, Rouhani said "the sectors that carry the economic burdens, most notably the oil, gas and petrochemical industries" on the frontline of the economic and psychological wars facing Iranians, according to Tasnim news agency.

Philippines to buy weapons "only from Israel": president

JERUSALEM, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Tuesday that he decided to purchase weapons only from Israel because the country does not restrict their uses as other countries do, according to officials and local media.

The remarks were made during Duterte's meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on the third day of his four-day visit to Israel.

He thanked Rivlin for the military and security assistance and knowledge provided by Israel to the Philippines over the past years.

Over 30,000 new teachers begin working in Syria’s liberated areas

DAMASCUS, September 3. /TASS/. Schools in Syria’s governorates hired more than 30,000 new teachers this year. According to Syrian Education Minister Hazwan al-Waz, the move became necessary after schools in the territories liberated from terrorists resumed their work.

"This year, Syria’s Ministry of Education hired 30,000 teachers additionally in those cities, which were liberated from terrorists," he said.

‘US coddling of Israel’s interests prolongs’ conflict in Syria, says top Syrian envoy

MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/. It is impossible to end the Syrian crisis because of US meddling, since Washington has been coddling the interests of Israel, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

"The Syrian people and the Syrian government want the crisis to end today. However, it is impossible because of external interference led by the United States," he said, adding, "this interference satisfies the interests of Israel and runs counter to those of the Syrian people."

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