
A close encounter with the 'alien bodies' in Mexico

MEXICO CITY, Sept 16 (Reuters) - For Jaime Maussan, a Mexican journalist and longtime UFO enthusiast, they are one of the most important discoveries in the history of humankind.

But for many scientists these two tiny mummified bodies with elongated heads and three fingers on each hand, images of which were beamed around the world this week when they were presented to Mexico's Congress, are an already-debunked - perhaps criminal - stunt.

Mexico: 350 migrants found dehydrated in a trailer in Veracruz

MEXICO CITY, Sept 15 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) — A total 350 migrants dehydrated women, men and minors originating from Guatemala, Ecuador, Honduras and El Salvador, were rescued from a crowded box of a trailer in the early morning of Thursday in Veracruz, the National Migration Institute (INM) disclosed.

The migrants were discovered at the toll booth of Cosamaloapan between the municipalities of Córdoba and Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, where the driver of the cargo transport was stopped and using a device with gamma rays, which detected the presence of people inside the container.

'Alien bodies' presented in Mexican Congress panned as 'stunt'

MEXICO CITY, Sept 14 (Reuters) - A UFO hearing in Mexico's congress that featured the presentation of alleged remains of non-human beings faced swift international backlash on Thursday, with critics labeling it a "stunt," and questions from officials in Peru, where the apparent specimens first emerged.

Mexican Congress holds hearing on UFOs featuring purported 'alien' bodies

MEXICO CITY, Sept 13 (Reuters) - Mexican lawmakers heard testimony that "we are not alone" in the universe and saw the alleged remains of non-human beings in an extraordinary hearing marking the Latin American country's first congressional event on UFOs.

In the hearing on Tuesday on FANI, the Spanish acronym for what are usually now termed Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), politicians were shown two artifacts that Mexican journalist and long-time UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan claimed were the corpses of extraterrestrials.

In 'macho' Mexico, stage set for first female president

MEXICO CITY, Sept 9 (Reuters) - When Mexican presidential contenders Claudia Sheinbaum and Xochitl Galvez entered politics at the start of the millennium, more than four in five senators in the country were men. Today, the majority are women.

The rise of Sheinbaum, who was named on Wednesday as the ruling party's candidate for next year's presidential election, and Galvez, the main opposition contender, is the culmination of a rapid process of female inclusion in politics since 2000.

Mexican ruling party engulfed in presidential nomination dispute

MEXICO CITY, Sept 6 (Reuters) - Mexico's ruling party named former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum its candidate for next year's presidential election on Wednesday, putting her in pole position to win the June 2 vote and become the country's first woman president.

Sheinbaum, 61, is a close ally of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and had been regarded as the strong favorite to win the national poll organized by the leftist National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) to choose its candidate.

Mexico: Tropical Storm Hilary swirls northward packing deadly rainfall along Mexico’s Baja coast

ENSENADA, Mexico (AP) — Tropical Storm Hilary swirled northward Sunday just off the coast of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula, no longer a hurricane but still carrying so much rain that forecasters said “catastrophic and life-threatening” flooding is likely across a broad region of the southwestern U.S.

As of 8 a.m. Pacific time, Hilary was located about 220 miles (350 kilometers) south-southeast of San Diego, the National Hurricane Center reported. Hilary had maximum sustained winds of 70 mph (110 kph) and was moving northwest at 25 mph (41 kph).

Hurricane Hilary grows off Mexico and could reach California as a very rare tropical storm

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Hilary grew rapidly to Category 4 strength off Mexico’s Pacific coast on Friday and could reach Southern California as the first tropical storm there in 84 years, causing “significant and rare impacts” including extensive flooding.

The U.S. National Hurricane Center said a tropical storm watch has been issued for Southern California, the first time it has ever done that.

Mexico: At least 12 dead in Dominican Republic after explosion near capital - CNN

Aug 15 (Reuters) - The death toll after an explosion near the Dominican Republic capital on Monday has risen to at least 12, CNN said in a news report, citing the Dominican Red Cross.

Initial victims included a four-month-old baby and two adults, the national health service said in a statement on Monday.

Another 65 people were injured and some 55 people are missing after the explosion at a business in San Cristobal, west of the country's capital Santo Domingo, the CNN report said.

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