North America

Congressional Committee invites Trump to attend impeachment hearing

Washington, Nov 27 (PTI) A key Congressional Committee in the House of Representatives has invited US President Donald Trump to attend or send his officials to participate in the impeachment hearings against him.

House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday announced to hold its first impeachment hearing against Trump next week.

Texas inmate freed while innocence claims investigated

HOUSTON (AP) — A Houston man serving a life sentence for a 2010 fatal stabbing was freed on bond Tuesday while authorities reinvestigate his case, including new DNA evidence that his lawyers say exonerates him.

Lydell Grant has been in prison for seven years for the killing of 28-year-old Aaron Scheerhoorn outside of a Houston club. Police say Scheerhoorn ran to the club after being stabbed and sought help. He was turned away and witnesses said they saw Grant stab him several more times before fleeing. Grant was convicted in 2012.

Chief: Officers ‘basically ambushed’ in South Texas shooting

USA (AP) --- Officers responding to a disturbance call early Tuesday in South Texas were “basically ambushed” by a man with a semi-automatic rifle who shot and injured one officer and two other people, the police chief said.

Cesar Terrazas, 22, was arrested after authorities in Laredo near the Mexico border say he fired dozens of rounds at officers responding before 6 a.m., and then broke into a home where he continued shooting. Terrazas faces a series of felony charges including attempted capital murder, aggravated assault and burglary.

US judge bars Trump’s health insurance rule for immigrants

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A U.S. judge in Oregon on Tuesday granted a preliminary injunction blocking a Trump administration proclamation that would require immigrants to show proof of health insurance to get a visa.

U.S. District Court Judge Michael Simon said in a written opinion that the proclamation could not take effect while a lawsuit challenging its constitutionality makes its way through the courts.

The proclamation issued by President Donald Trump in October would only apply to people seeking immigrant visas from abroad — not those in the U.S. already.

Trump defends against impeachment at ‘homecoming rally’

SUNRISE, Fla. (AP) — Prompting a profane chant. Describing his own speeches as “ranting and raving.” Advising the governor of Florida to not always wear a jacket so people know he’s not fat.

Now a Florida man, President Donald Trump held what his campaign dubbed a “homecoming rally” near Miami Tuesday, continuing to lash out at the ongoing impeachment inquiry in a state that will be crucial to his 2020 reelection bid.

Airports hit in stormy California

DENVER (AP) — The Latest on the wintry weather in the U.S. (all times local):

9:20 p.m.

Stormy weather and a power outage have affected two Northern California airports as a storm hits the region.

KPIX-TV says the Federal Aviation Administration imposed a ground delay at San Francisco International Airport Tuesday because of the weather, cutting the number of arrivals in half.

The airport reported several hundred delayed flights and about two dozen cancellations.

US criticizes China for abuses revealed by leaked cables

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Tuesday that a cache of leaked documents proves that Chinese authorities are engaged in massive and systemic repression of Muslims and other minorities in western China, as a number of foreign governments expressed serious concern about the scale of the campaign.

Pompeo said the documents underscored “an overwhelming and growing body of evidence” that China’s leaders are responsible for gross human rights violations in the Xinjiang region.

Judiciary Committee taking up impeachment hearings next week

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Judiciary Committee is set to take over the impeachment probe of President Donald Trump, scheduling a hearing for next week as they push closer to a possible vote on actual charges of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The Judiciary panel scheduled the hearing as the separate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday released two last transcripts from its depositions, including from a White House budget official who detailed concerns among colleagues as Trump ordered them, through intermediaries, to put a hold on military aid to Ukraine.

Iran urges fast reforms in UNSC structure, veto power

New York, Nov 26, IRNA- Iran called on the United Nations on Monday to respond to demands by its member states who ask for veto power. 

Iran’s Ambassador to the UN Majid Takht Ravanchi said that his country’s demands have not been met by the UN as it’s not democratic and transparent. 

He mentioned that the UN has been used by some of its member states and that it has been inactive in many cases. 

Takht Ravanchi noted that the UN Security Council has lost its credibility and needs to review its basis and rules. 

Pakistan questions India’s eligibility for UNSC’s membership for violating its resolutions

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 26 (APP): Pakistan has challenged India’s qualifications for permanent or non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council, saying that New Delhi was in “blatant” violation of the 15-member body’s resolutions aimed at settling the decades-old Kashmir dispute.

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