Saudi Arabia

Shanghai Stock Exchange signs MOU with Saudi Exchange

04 September 2023; MEMO: The Shanghai Stock exchange said it signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Saudi Exchange in Riyadh on Sunday, to lay the foundation for future cooperation, Reuters reports.

Both exchanges will explore cooperation opportunities in cross-listings, fintech, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and research, the Shanghai Exchange said in a statement on Monday.

Saudi Arabia, Italy sign MoU to boost relations

04 September 2023; MEMO: Saudi Arabia and Italy have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to boost economic relations and strategically important investments, in the latest development between the two countries.

Speaking to reporters at the Investment Forum between Italy and Saudi Arabia in Milan today, Italian Industry Minister, Adolfo Urso, was quoted by Reuters as stating that “Dialogue can help companies develop a technological and industrial partnership”.

Saudi Arabia: Israel weightlifting delegation arrives in Riyadh

05 September 2023; MEMO: An Israeli sports delegation arrived in Saudi Arabia yesterday to participate in the world weightlifting competition, Israeli media reported.

“For the first time, an Israeli delegation of weightlifters will be in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the World Weightlifting Championships (WWC) which began on Sunday,” Israel24 said.

Saudi Army Units Arrived In Egypt For Multinational Military Drill

RIYADH, Sept 1 (NNN-SPA) – Saudi army units, arrived in Egypt yesterday, to participate in a multinational military drill.

The Bright Star military drill, which kicked off yesterday, on the Mohamed Naguib military base, at the Mediterranean Sea, will run until Sep 14, with the participation of 8,000 troops from 34 countries, according to a report from Egypt Daily News.

The exercise involves ground forces, infantry, artillery units, navy, air forces, and special operations forces, the Egyptian media outlet said.

Saudi Arabia considers nuclear deal with China and Russia

29 August 2023; MEMO: Saudi Arabia is reportedly considering bids from China, France and Russia for its ambitious nuclear power project, as part of a larger strategy to influence the US over a high-stakes security agreement. Even as the world’s top oil exporter, the kingdom has expressed deep interest in developing a civil nuclear energy programme. 

Saudi Arabia Unveils New Discoveries At Al-Abla Archaeological Site

RIYADH, Aug 27 (NNN-SPA) – The Saudi Heritage Commission, yesterday made significant archaeological discoveries at the Al-Abla site, in the south-western Asir region.

The discoveries included evidence of residential and industrial units with gypsum-coated walls and floors, and reservoirs constructed underneath for residential and production use, according to the Saudi Heritage Commission.

Rainwater was channelled down the specially-designed roof, and through the gypsum-lined or pottery channels to be stored until needed, said the commission.

KSA refutes allegations of assault on Ethiopian citizens

RIYADH, Aug 25 (APP):The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) on Friday categorically rejected the Human Rights Watch’s recent report claiming an assault on the Ethiopian citizens while attempting to cross the Saudi-Yemeni border.

“These allegations lack merit and are based on unreliable sources,” Saudi official sources said.

The publication and dissemination of politicized and misleading report was part of ‘malicious media campaigns’, which were repeatedly launched with questionable motives, they added.

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia begin joint Special Forces drill

24 August 2023; MEMO: Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, on Wednesday, began AL BATTAR-I, a Special Forces joint drill, to enhance bilateral relations and learn from each other’s experiences, Anadolu Agency reports.

Senior officials from the two Armed Forces attended the opening ceremony, which took place in north-western Pakistan’s Nowshera district.

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