Saudi Arabia

OIC emergency meeting starts in Jeddah

15 Sep 2019; MEMO: The emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on the level of foreign ministers was held on Sunday, Anadolu reports.

The meeting discussed the recent Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks in which he said he would annex large parts of the occupied lands in the West Bank — including the Jordan Valley.

World oil price could rise by $10 per barrel after drones attack on Saudi oil production

World oil price could rise by $10 per barrel after ten drones attacked one of Saudi Arabia’s largest oilfields in Hijra Khurais and the world’s biggest crude processing facility at Abqaiq on Saturday forcing Saudi to cut output in half.

Drones attack has caused a loss of 5.7 million barrels of crude production a day or 50% of the kingdom’s oil output. Exact price impact will depend on the repair time which can take weeks to months.

'Rebel' Saudi women shun obligatory abaya robe

12 September 2019; AFP: Her high heels clacking on marble tiles, a defiant Saudi woman turned heads and drew gasps as she strutted through a Riyadh mall -- without a body-shrouding abaya.

The billowy over-garment, usually all-black, is customary public wear for women in the ultra-conservative Islamic kingdom, where it is widely seen as a symbol of piety.

OIC condemns Netanyahu’s annexation plan of occupied land, calls emergency meet

JEDDAH, Sept 12 (NNN-BERNAMA) — The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will be holding an extraordinary meeting of its member countries at the foreign ministers’ level on Sunday over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s annexation statement, reported the Union of OIC News Agencies (UNA-OIC).

Saudi diplomat: UAE betraying us in Yemen under pretext of Muslim Brotherhood members

5 Sep 2019; MEMO: The President of the Saudi-American Public Relations Affairs Committee (SAPRAC), Salman Al-Ansari, attacked on Tuesday the United Arab Emirates, considering that it is “fooling” Riyadh under the pretext of Muslim Brotherhood members, for “expansionist ambitions” in the region.

New Saudi anti-corruption chief to target public servants

RIYADH (Reuters) - The new head of Saudi Arabia’s anti-corruption commission said he plans to go after graft by ordinary government employees, following a high-profile campaign two years ago that netted princes, ministers and top businessmen.

Members of the kingdom’s economic and political elite were detained for months at Riyadh’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel in a crackdown in 2017 that unsettled some foreign investors Riyadh needs to diversify its economy. Critics said it amounted to a power play and shakedown of the crown prince’s political rivals.

Saudi-Led Coalition Launches 12 Airstrikes Against Yemen’s Saada

ADEN, Yemen, Aug 19 (NNN-SABA) – Warplanes of the Saudi-led Arab coalition launched 12 airstrikes against positions of the Houthi group in Yemen’s northern province of Saada on Sunday, a military official said.

The military source of Yemen’s government forces said, “the Saudi-led coalition intensified airstrikes against the main strongholds of the Houthis, particularly in Saada.”

He said that eight airstrikes targeted Maran area, that’s located to the southwestern part of Saada, causing an unknown number of casualties.

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