Science & Technology

High-tech U.S. bombs to be built in Saudi Arabia

NEW YORK, Jun 08 (APP): The Trump administration has permitted the construction of US high-tech bomb and missile parts in Saudi Arabia, giving Riyadh unprecedented access to a sensitive weapons technology, The New York Times reported Saturday.

The newspaper said in a dispatch that the White House allowed Raytheon, a US military defence contractor, to “team up” with the Saudis to build and assemble components of Paveway smart bombs in the kingdom.

Mnuchin says talks with PBOC’s Yi ‘constructive’

FUKUOKA, Japan (AP) — The Latest on a meeting of financial leaders of the Group of 20 major economies (all times local):

3:40 p.m.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he held a constructive meeting with the head of China’s central bank and that their discussion on trade issues was “candid.”

Mnuchin made the comment in a Twitter post Sunday showing him shaking hands with Yi Gang, governor of the People’s Bank of China.

The two met on the sidelines of the G-20 finance meeting in Japan.

Trump says tariffs on Mexico suspended indefinitely

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump announced late Friday that he had suspended plans to impose tariffs on Mexico, tweeting that the country “has agreed to take strong measures” to stem the flow of Central American migrants into the United States. But the deal the two neighbors agreed to falls short of some of the dramatic overhauls the U.S. had pushed for.

G-20 talks trade, finance as Japan readies for Osaka summit

FUKUOKA, Japan (AP) — Trade and economy ministers of the Group of 20 major economies met Sunday in Japan to discuss ways to reorder trade rules and finances in an era of technological change and protectionism.

The meetings of financial leaders in the southern city of Fukuoka and of economic ministers in Tsukuba, near Tokyo, are aiming to forge a consensus on a range of issues to be endorsed by leaders who will meet in late June in Osaka.

China may restrict tech access in spiraling US trade dispute

BEIJING (AP) — China is creating a system to protect its technology, according to state media, as the U.S. restricts the access of Chinese companies to American technology in a spiraling trade dispute.

The People’s Daily newspaper said Sunday that the system will build a strong firewall to strengthen the nation’s ability to innovate and to accelerate the development of key technologies.

US-China trade war sparks worries about rare minerals

PHOENIX (AP) — Rising trade tensions between the U.S. and China have sparked worries about the 17 exotic-sounding rare earth minerals needed for high-tech products like robotics, drones and electric cars.

China recently raised tariffs to 25% on rare earth exports to the U.S. and has threatened to halt exports altogether after the Trump administration raised tariffs on Chinese products and blacklisted telecommunications giant Huawei.

Huawei not to be banned in Brazil: vice president

RIO DE JANEIRO, June 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese telecom company Huawei will not be banned from operating a fifth-generation (5G) mobile telecoms network in Brazil, Vice President Hamilton Mourao has said.

In an interview published Friday by daily Valor Economico, Brazil's largest financial newspaper, Mourao said the idea of banning Huawei is not being considered by his administration.

Mnuchin to hold 1-on-1 chat with PBOC Gov. Yi

FUKUOKA, Japan (AP) — The Latest on the meeting of financial leaders of the Group of 20 major economies (all times local):

1:50 p.m.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he plans to speak one-on-one with China’s central bank governor about trade.

Mnuchin said Saturday that he would hold routine talks on various issues and then meet privately with Yi Gang, chairman of the People’s Bank of China.

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