Science & Technology

Calls for Huawei boycott get mixed response in Europe

13 Jan 2019; AFP: Europe is giving US-led calls for a boycott of Huawei 5G telecoms equipment a mixed reception, with some governments untroubled by spy suspicions against the Chinese giant, but others backing a ban.

In the latest setback for Huawei, Poland said Friday it had arrested a Chinese telecoms executive suspected of spying for China, with local media identifying him as a Huawei director.

India: Andhra Gov signs MoU on world's first 100% renewable energy data centers

13 Jan 2019; PTI: World's first 100% renewable powered data center parks to be created in Visakhapatnam positions Andhra Pradesh as the East Coast Data Center hub for India & SE Asia

Adani Group to invest Rs. 70,000 crores, potentially creating over 100,000 jobs over 20 years

Russian Navy to put over 30 Poseidon strategic underwater drones on combat duty

MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. The Russian Navy plans to place more than 30 Poseidon strategic nuclear-capable underwater drones on combat duty, a source in the domestic defense industry told TASS on Saturday.

"Two Poseidon-carrying submarines are expected to enter service with the Northern Fleet and the other two will join the Pacific Fleet. Each of the submarines will carry a maximum of eight drones and, therefore, the total number of Poseidons on combat duty may reach 32 vehicles," the source said.

China declares Chang'e-4 mission complete success

BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- China announced Friday that the Chang'e-4 mission, which realized the first-ever soft-landing on the far side of the moon, was a complete success.

With the assistance of the relay satellite Queqiao (Magpie Bridge), the rover Yutu-2 (Jade Rabbit-2) and the lander of the Chang'e-4 probe took photos of each other.

The scientific instruments aboard the probe worked well, and the images taken by the probe and detection data have been sent back to ground control, said the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

Roscosmos plans to organize tourist space missions via Yuri Gagarin’s route

MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. The Roscosmos state corporation is studying the possibility of organizing tourist missions via Yuri Gagarin’s route and is conducting negotiations with potential partners, Roscosmos Director General Dmitry Rogozin said in an interview with RBC.

Space tourism should not necessarily be connected with the International Space Station (ISS), he said. "Let’s say, orbital flights on Yuri Gagarin’s route is a good issue for tourists. We already started negotiations with potential partners, who are interested in this option," Rogozin reported.

Indian Institute of Technology create 'space fuel' in lab

Chennai, Jan 9 (PTI) IIT Madras scientists have created what they call 'space fuel' by simulating interstellar conditions in the lab, a method that may be used to convert atmospheric CO2 into a next generation energy source on Earth.

The research, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), could help curb greenhouse gases as well as provide a new, sustainable source of energy.

Chinese scientists develop anticorrosion method for steel in marine engineering

BEIJING, Jan. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists have used marine bacteria to inhibit the corrosion of steel materials through genetic editing, according to the China Science Daily Tuesday.

Corrosion in the marine environment is an international problem that not only causes huge economic losses but also poses a threat to the safety of marine engineering.

Most of the traditional anti-corrosion methods rely on chemical or electrochemical means, however, they typically have a high cost and are not environmentally friendly.

Cancellation of Rogozin's visit could disrupt the joint mission of US and Russia to Venus

MOSCOW, January 6. /TASS /. NASA's cancellation of the visit by the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin to the United States could lead to the disruption of a joint Russian-American scientific mission to Venus, said Lev Zeleny, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Russian Academy of Space and scientific director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Sunday.

Chinese researchers develop breakthrough vaccine against cervical cancer

BEIJING, Jan. 5 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have taken a major step forward in developing a new-generation vaccine that has the potential to protect against almost all of the most potentially lethal forms of human papilloma virus (HPV).

HPV is primarily transmitted through sexual contact. More than 200 distinct HPV types have been identified, of which at least 18 are high-risk types associated with 99 percent of cervical cancers, the second most common cancer among women, after breast cancer.

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