
Türkiye warns of wider conflict after Iran-Israel tension

ANKARA, April 19 (Xinhua) -- Türkiye on Friday expressed its concern that tensions between Iran and Israel could turn into a wider conflict, calling on both countries to refrain from any steps that could escalate the conflict after an alleged Israeli attack against Iranian targets.

"In light of the latest developments, it is becoming increasingly evident that the tensions that were initially caused by Israel's illegal attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus risk turning into a permanent conflict," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Turkiye aims to develop smart transportation infrastructure by 2028

19 March 2024; MEMO: The General Directorate of Highways has unveiled plans to enhance Turkiye’s transportation infrastructure through the implementation of smart technology initiatives by 2028, aimed at optimising routes and bolstering efficiency, the Daily Sabah newspaper reports.

Turkiye inflation climbs to over 67%

04 March 2024; MEMO: Turkiye’s annual inflation exceeded expectations and jumped to above 67 per cent in February, official data showed on Monday, maintaining pressure for tight monetary policy amid strong rises in food, hotel and education prices, Daily Sabah reports.

According to the report, measured in the consumer price index (CPI), inflation surged to 67.07 per cent over 12 months ending in February, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) said.

Turkiye hopes Israel’s Netanyahu is brought before ICJ for war crimes

26 February 2024; MEMO: Turkish Parliament Speaker Numan Kurtulmus has expressed hope that the trials at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will lead to bringing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the court for war crimes Israel is committing against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, Anadolu Agency reported.

Trade between Turkiye, South Africa booming: Envoy

26 February 2024; MEMO: Trade and investments between Turkiye and South Africa are booming, with an increase reported annually, Turkey’s Ambassador to Pretoria said Monday, Anadolu Agency reports.

“The total volume of Turkish investments in South Africa is $32 million. In 2022, it was $ 31 million, which is an increase,” Aysegul Kandas told Anadolu in an interview at her office in the capital, Pretoria.

No more trust toward West for failing to stop Gaza tragedy — Erdogan

ISTANBUL, January 19. /TASS/:  There is no more trust toward the West, which has not taken any steps to prevent the crisis in Gaza, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has said.

The organizations whose tasks include ensuring global security have failed, of which the conflict between Israel and Palestine is an example, he stated.

Turkish police detain 22 suspected members of IS

ANKARA, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- Turkish police detained at least 22 suspected members of the Islamic State (IS) group, local media reported on Tuesday.

Turkish authorities issued arrest warrants for 19 suspected members of the group and detained 15 of them in operations based in the western province of Izmir, the state-run TRT broadcaster reported, adding efforts to apprehend the other four suspects are ongoing.

In a separate operation in the southern province of Mersin, the police detained seven other IS suspects, according to the semi-official Anadolu Agency.

Turkish court convicts Somali president’s son over motorcyclist’s death, commutes sentence to fine

ISTANBUL (AP) — A Turkish court on Tuesday convicted the son of Somalia’s president over the death of a motorcycle courier and sentenced him to 2 1/2 years in prison. The sentence, however, was immediately commuted to a fine.

Mohammed Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was charged with “causing death by negligence” after a diplomatic car he was driving hit Yunus Emre Gocer on a highway in Istanbul on Nov. 30. An arrest warrant was issued for Mohamud after Gocer died six days later, but the president’s son had already left Turkey.

Turkish security forces "neutralize" 45 Kurdish militants in N. Iraq, Syria

ISTANBUL, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) -- Turkish security forces have "neutralized" 45 "terrorists" in retaliatory airstrikes over their killing of several Turkish soldiers on Friday, the Turkish presidency said on Saturday.

Of the "terrorists," 36 were killed in the forces' cross-border operations in northern Iraq, and nine were killed in northern Syria, the presidency said on the social media platform X.

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