USA: Biden to propose 8-year citizenship path for immigrants

WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden plans to unveil a sweeping immigration bill on Day One of his administration, hoping to provide an eight-year path to citizenship for an estimated 11 million people living in the U.S. without legal status, a massive reversal from the Trump administration’s harsh immigration policies.

The legislation puts Biden on track to deliver on a major campaign promise important to Latino voters and other immigrant communities after four years of President Donald Trump’s restrictive policies and mass deportations.

USA: Fai urges UN chief to push India to free seriously-ill Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik

NEW YORK, Jan 18 (APP): A prominent Kashmiri leader has urged UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to use his influence with the Indian government to release, on humanitarian grounds, Muhammad Yasin Malik, chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), who is currently languishing in New Delhi’s Tihar jail.

USA: Trump admin slams China's Huawei, halting shipments from Intel, others - sources

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration notified Huawei suppliers, including chipmaker Intel, that it is revoking certain licenses to sell to the Chinese company and intends to reject dozens of other applications to supply the telecommunications firm, people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The action - likely the last against Huawei Technologies under Republican President Donald Trump - is the latest in a long-running effort to weaken the world’s largest telecommunications equipment maker, which Washington sees as a national security threat.

USA: Washington D.C. mayor concerned about potential attack on city's residential area

WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Sunday expressed concern about possible attacks on the city's residential area as President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration approached.

"I'm not only concerned about other state capitols. I'm also concerned about other parts of Washington, D.C.," Bowser said during an appearance on NBC News' Meet the Press.

The mayor said what has been widely reported by the press was the lockdown on the federal grounds in the city, but the residential area in the nation's capital was also under threat.

USA: Democrats build impeachment case, alleging ‘dangerous crime’

WASHINGTON (AP) — The lead prosecutor for President Donald Trump’s historic second impeachment began building his case for conviction at trial, asserting on Sunday that Trump’s incitement of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol was “the most dangerous crime” ever committed by a president against the United States. A Senate trial could begin as soon as this week, just as Democrat Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th president.

USA: ‘Rooting hard for you’: Will departure notes end with Trump?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Presidential traditions are usually known for their solemnity and carry the weight of future historical significance. This one began with cartoon turkeys and a reference to lunch.

As he was preparing to leave the White House in January 1989, President Ronald Reagan wanted to leave a note for his successor, George H.W. Bush, and reached for a pad emblazoned with a cartoon by humorist Sandra Boynton under the phrase, “Don’t Let the Turkeys Get You Down.” It featured a collection of turkeys scaling a prone elephant, the symbol of both men’s Republican Party.

USA: What Biden can and can't get from an evenly divided Senate

WASHINGTON (AP) — So what does a 50-50 Senate get President-elect Joe Biden?

Washington has barely had time to process the implications of Democratic control after two Georgia runoff elections that are delivering the Senate to Democrats. Hours after the races were decided, a mob of zealots ransacked the U.S. Capitol and reshaped the national and political landscape.

USA: Harris prepares for central role in Biden's White House

WASHINGTON (AP) — Kamala Harris will make history on Wednesday when she becomes the nation’s first female vice president — and the first Black woman and the first woman of South Asian descent to hold that office. But that’s only where her boundary-breaking role begins.

With the confluence of crises confronting Joe Biden’s administration — and an evenly divided Senate in which she would deliver the tie-breaking vote — Harris is shaping up to be a central player in addressing everything from the coronavirus pandemic to criminal justice reform.

USA: Deceptions in the time of the ‘alternative facts’ president

WASHINGTON (AP) — Truth caught up with Donald Trump after years of giving chase.

The twice-impeached president painted a fantasy world in office, starring himself. In this world, he did things bigger, better, more boldly than all who came before him while facing enemies more pernicious than any in creation.

In service of his ego, his nature and his reelection prospects, he said things that were not only wrong, but the precise opposite of right. He said them over and over, in leaps and bounds, and no less so when the deceptions were exposed.

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