USA: Boeing shares suffer worst one-day drop since 1974

Chicago (AP) --- Boeing’s stock tumbled 18% on Wednesday, its biggest one-day percentage drop since 1974, and company leaders painted a sobering picture for the business in 2020.

The Chicago-based company said it has imposed a hiring freeze in response to the virus outbreak that is undercutting air travel and threatening to kill airlines’ appetite for new planes.

Boeing said it received 18 orders last month for new large planes, but 46 orders were canceled, most of them for the grounded 737 Max, leaving the company with a net loss of 28 orders in February.

‘Remain in Mexico’ is just one US response to asylum-seekers

SAN DIEGO (AP) — The Supreme Court has allowed the Trump administration to continue making asylum-seekers wait in Mexico for their U.S. court hearings. It may be the most far-reaching measure in a series of policies the government has put in place over the last year amid an unprecedented surge of asylum-seeking arriving at the border, many from Central America.

Congress acts to limit Trump on military action in Iran

WASHINGTON (AP) — Defying a veto threat, Congress has approved a bipartisan measure to limit President Donald Trump’s authority to launch military operations against Iran.

The House gave final legislative approval to the measure Wednesday, 227-186, sending it to Trump. The president has promised to veto the war powers resolution, warning that if his “hands were tied, Iran would have a field day.”

USA: ‘Very much alive’: Biden victorious in 4 more primary states

WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden decisively won Michigan’s Democratic presidential primary, seizing a key battleground state that helped propel Bernie Sanders’ insurgent candidacy four years ago. The former vice president’s victory there, as well as in Missouri, Mississippi and Idaho, dealt a serious blow to Sanders and substantially widened Biden’s path to the nomination.

Biden again showed strength Tuesday with working-class voters and African Americans, who are vital to winning the Democratic nomination.

Trump officials emphasize that coronavirus ‘Made in China’

WASHINGTON (AP) — There’s one thing the Trump administration wants Americans to remember about the coronavirus pandemic: It carries the “Made in China” label.

Trump administration officials, on the defensive about their own handling of the virus, have repeatedly reminded people that the virus started in Wuhan, a city in China’s Hubei province, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo referring to it as the “Wuhan coronavirus.”

President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, went even further on Wednesday.

World is ‘way off track’ to meet climate goals: UN chief warns

UNITED NATIONS, Mar 11 (APP): United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned that the world was far off the path it needs to be on to reach climate goals agreed by the international community to keep global average temperatures well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

“We are currently way off track to meeting either the 1.5-degree or 2-degree targets that the Paris Agreement calls for,” the secretary general said.
His warning came in the foreword to a UN climate report, which confirms that 2019 was the second-warmest year on record, topped only by 2016.

UN Security Council endorses US-Taliban peace deal

United Nations, Mar 11 (PTI) The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution welcoming the recent deal between the US and the Taliban to bring lasting peace in war-torn Afghanistan and allow US troops to return home from America's longest war.

The US-Taliban peace deal was signed in Doha on February 29.

All 15 members of the UNSC on Tuesday supported the resolution, tabled by the United States, which endorses the joint US-Afghan declaration on peace and the agreement signed between Washington and the Taliban.

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