Texas inmate executed for killing prison supervisor in 2003

HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) — A Texas inmate was executed by lethal injection Wednesday evening for killing a supervisor at a state prison shoe factory in Amarillo nearly 17 years ago.

Travis Runnels, 46, was convicted of slashing the throat of 38-year-old Stanley Wiley on Jan. 29, 2003. Runnels was executed at the state penitentiary in Huntsville.

US considers leaving smaller number of troops in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon is considering several options to reduce the number of troops in Afghanistan, including one that would shift to a narrower counterterrorism mission, the top U.S. military officer told Congress on Wednesday.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, did not disclose any potential troop totals, but he agreed that leaving a minimal U.S. footprint in Afghanistan to battle terrorists is a potential move.

Pearl Harbor commemoration to go on after fresh tragedy

HONOLULU (AP) — Officials will beef up security as usual for the ceremony to remember those lost in the attack on Pearl Harbor 78 years ago, with service members and dignitaries confronting a fresh tragedy after a U.S. sailor killed two civilians, wounded another and then turned the gun on himself at the storied military base.

The National Park Service, which is hosting the event with the Navy, would not give specifics on the heightened security measures, many of which aren’t readily apparent, Pearl Harbor National Memorial spokesman Jay Blount said.

Fears mount that New Jersey terror shooting was anti-Semitic attack

JERSEY CITY, N.J. (AP) — Fears that a deadly shooting at a Jewish market in Jersey City was an anti-Semitic attack mounted on Wednesday as authorities recounted how a man and woman deliberately pulled up to the place in a stolen rental van with at least one rifle and got out firing.

A day after the gunbattle and standoff that left six people dead — the two killers, a police officer and three people who had been inside the store — state and federal law enforcement officials warned they have not established the motive for the attack.

Impeachment trial: Trump wants drama, but GOP wants it over

Washington (AP) — Donald Trump wants more than acquittal. He wants vindication.

With impeachment by the House appearing certain, the president has made clear that he views the next step, a trial in the GOP-controlled Senate, as his focus. The president sees the senators not just as a jury deciding his fate, but as partners in a campaign to discredit and punish his Democratic opponents. His Senate allies aren’t so sure that’s a good idea.

Watchdog caught in political crossfire on his Russia report

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department’s internal watchdog was caught in a political tug of war Wednesday as Republican and Democratic senators used his report on the origins of the Russia investigation involving Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign to support their views that it was a legitimate probe or a badly bungled farce.

Pentagon suspends training of Saudis for security review

Washington, Dec 11 (AFP/PTI) The Pentagon announced Tuesday it was temporarily suspending operational training for Saudi military students in the United States following a shooting rampage last week by a Saudi air force officer.

Saudi Arabian military students in the United States will continue classroom instruction but operational training is halted pending a security review, senior Defense Department officials said.

Russian Foreign Ministry blasts suspected US spy's ‘drilling’ threat towards jail guards

WASHINGTON, December 11. /TASS/: Russia’s Foreign Ministry has shed light on how US citizen Paul Whelan, who is in Russian custody on espionage charges, made threats against the staff of Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service (FPS).

Trump urges Russia to back US steps on Iran and North Korea

WASHINGTON, December 11. /TASS/: US President Donald Trump urged Moscow to back US efforts on thwarting Iran’s nuclear arms development and denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, White House Spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement.

"President Trump also emphasized his support for effective global arms control that includes not only Russia, but also China," Deere said in a statement on Trump’s Oval Office meeting with Lavrov.

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