Ohio gamer sentenced to 15 months prison in ‘swatting’ case

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — An Ohio gamer upset about a $1.50 bet while playing Call of Duty: WWII online was sentenced Friday to 15 months in prison for recruiting a prankster to make a bogus emergency call that resulted in the fatal shooting of a Kansas man by police.

Casey Viner, 19, of North College Hill, Ohio, also is restricted from gaming activity for two years while he is on supervised release after serving his prison term, U.S. District Judge Eric Melgren said in announcing the sentence.

Woman arrested after throwing liquid on California Senate

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California police have arrested a woman who threw a feminine hygiene device containing “what appeared to be blood” onto the floor of the state Senate, splashing onto lawmakers and forcing them to finish their work in a committee room on the final day of the legislative session.

Senators had just finished taking a vote about 5:14 p.m. Friday when a woman tossed the substance onto the floor of the Senate from the public gallery, saying: “That’s for the dead babies.”

States split by party on accepting Purdue Pharma settlement

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The opioid crisis has hit virtually every pocket of the U.S., from rural towns in deeply conservative states to big cities in liberal-leaning ones. But a curious divide has opened up.

The nation’s Republican state attorneys general have, for the most part, lined up in support of a tentative multibillion-dollar settlement with OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma, while their Democratic counterparts have mostly come out against it, decrying it as woefully inadequate.

Coming for your AR-15? O’Rourke scrambles Dems’ gun message

WASHINGTON (AP) — Beto O’Rourke’s “hell yes” moment at the Democrats’ presidential debate is scrambling his party’s message on guns.

The Democrats have long contended their support of gun control laws does not mean they want to take away law-abiding citizens’ firearms. But on Friday, they struggled to square that message with their presidential contender’s full-throated call on national TV for confiscating assault rifles.

Warren has her own plan for everything - except this

WASHINGTON (AP) — Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that. But on health care, she’s with Bernie.

Warren, a Massachusetts senator and a leading liberal Democratic presidential candidate, has stood out in the 2020 race for her extraordinary focus on detailed plans to address the nation’s most pressing issues. Her website lists specific policies for 43 topics: gun violence, Social Security, the Electoral College and even family farmers.

Pakistan calls for UNSC to demand end to curfew, rights violations in Kashmir

UNITED NATIONS, Sep 13 (APP): Pakistan has called on the UN Security Council to demand an end to India’s repressive military lockdown of occupied Kashmir, now in its second month, and move to implement its resolutions pledging the right of self-determination to the long-suffering Kashmiri people.

“This travesty must end,” Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi said in a firm tone during a UN General Assembly debate on the annual report of the 15-member Council on Thursday.

Biden maintains grip on 2020 Democratic race after third debate

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Those expecting Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy to flame out any day now will have to keep waiting.

The former U.S. vice president survived another Democratic debate on Thursday largely unbloodied and unbowed, leaving those on the margins of the race for the party’s 2020 nomination wondering if their time to gain ground on the front-runner is running out.

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