Trump says tariffs on Mexico suspended indefinitely

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump announced late Friday that he had suspended plans to impose tariffs on Mexico, tweeting that the country “has agreed to take strong measures” to stem the flow of Central American migrants into the United States. But the deal the two neighbors agreed to falls short of some of the dramatic overhauls the U.S. had pushed for.

Trump and the credit and blame game

WASHINGTON (AP) — The apportioning of credit and blame went awry in President Donald Trump’s remarks over the past week.

He hailed pristine air quality that isn’t, placed responsibility on Mexico for the entire U.S. drug problem and told Puerto Ricans they should love him because he got them hurricane aid that he’s actually been complaining about for months.

In the Democratic presidential campaign, meantime, Trump was accused of breaking a gun-control promise that in reality he kept.

A week in review:


US carrier in Persian Gulf region sends clear signal to Iran

ABOARD THE USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (AP) — Under a starry sky, U.S. Navy fighter jets catapulted off the aircraft carrier’s deck and flew north over the darkened waters of the northern Arabian Sea, a unmistaken signal to Iran that the foremost symbol of the American military’s global reach is back in its neighborhood, perhaps to stay.

Harris’ husband takes on growing public role in 2020 race

BALTIMORE (AP) — Doug Emhoff was on the stage seconds after an activist rushed his wife, Kamala Harris, and snatched the microphone from her hands. Shortly after he helped remove the activist, Emhoff tweeted that he and Harris were “good” and that he would “do anything for her.”

The incident quickly turned viral, bringing attention to someone who is often at Harris’ side but rarely front and center.

US-China trade war sparks worries about rare minerals

PHOENIX (AP) — Rising trade tensions between the U.S. and China have sparked worries about the 17 exotic-sounding rare earth minerals needed for high-tech products like robotics, drones and electric cars.

China recently raised tariffs to 25% on rare earth exports to the U.S. and has threatened to halt exports altogether after the Trump administration raised tariffs on Chinese products and blacklisted telecommunications giant Huawei.

Kamala Harris says prosecutor past will help defeat Trump

WEST COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Democrat Kamala Harris played up her experience as a prosecutor on Saturday, telling a mostly black crowd in South Carolina that her prosecutorial credentials have given her a window in to helping improve the criminal justice system and also make her uniquely qualified to take on President Donald Trump.

Trump to host Qatar emir at White House

8 June 2019; MEMO: US President Donald Trump will host Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani at the White House next month, the executive mansion announced Friday, Anadolu Agency reported.

The July 9 meeting will allow Trump and al-Thani to “build on the longstanding partnership between the United States and Qatar and further strengthen our already substantial economic and security ties,” spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a statement.

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