Middle East & North Africa

Young woman found alive after spending 248 hours under rubble in southern Turkiye

16 Feb 2023; MEMO: A young woman was pulled from the debris of a collapsed building 248 hours after an earthquake hit southern Turkiye, as hopes of finding more survivors fade, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Rescuers found Aleyna Olmez, 17, alive under the rubble in Dulkadiroglu district of Kahramanmaras province.

She was taken to a hospital for medical treatment.

Turkiye earthquakes to cost insurers $2.4bn

16 Feb 2023; MEMO: Catastrophe modelling firm, Karen Clark & Company (KCC), said on Thursday it expects insured losses of $2.4 billion from the devastating dual Kahramanmaras earthquakes that hit Turkiye earlier this month.

The number of people killed by the deadliest earthquake in Turkiye's modern history has risen to 36,187, authorities said, Reuters reports.

Arab League warns: Israel's 'criminal' policies endanger entire region

16 Feb 2023; MEMO: The Arab League has condemned the Israeli Knesset's [Parliament] approval of a law allowing the Israeli government to revoke "citizenship or residency" from Palestinian citizens of Israel and Jerusalemites and deport them to the West Bank or the Gaza Strip, if they obtained financial assistance from the Palestinian National Authority.

In a statement issued Thursday, the League described the law as "unfair and racist, and constitutes a dangerous escalation and ethnic cleansing".

Shin Bet warns Ben Gvir behaviour could lead to 'broad security confrontation' with Palestinians

16 Feb 2023; MEMO: Shin Bet Security Service chief, Ronen Bar, has recently spoken to National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, and warned him that his crackdown in East Jerusalem could lead to incite further violence, the Israeli Channel 13 reported on Wednesday.

Israel Justice Minister threatens to resign over state of judiciary reform plan

17 Feb 2023; MEMO: A heated crisis is reported to have erupted between Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Justice Minister, Yariv Levin, which prompted Levin to threaten with submitting his resignation and dissolving the government, over the state of the judiciary reform plan.

White House: US 'deeply dismayed' by Israel settlement expansion

17 Feb 2023; MEMO: The United States is "deeply dismayed" at an Israeli Cabinet decision to expand Jewish settlement activity in the Occupied West Bank, the White House said on Thursday, suggesting President Joe Biden was prepared to take a harder line in dealing with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Reuters reports.

Such activity "creates facts on the ground that undermine a two-state solution" between Israelis and Palestinians, White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, told reporters.

Sudan, Egypt agree to facilitate granting visas, residencies

17 Feb 2023; MEMO: Sudan and Egypt yesterday agreed to facilitate the granting of entry visas, residencies and work permits between both sides, and affirmed the freedom of ownership for Sudanese nationals in Egypt, the official Sudanese News Agency (SUNA) reported.

This came at the conclusion of the meetings of the fifth session of the Permanent Consular Committee between Sudan and Egypt, which was held in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.

Qatar envoy to Turkiye heads aid convoy to northern Syria

17 Feb 2023; MEMO: The Qatari Ambassador to Turkiye, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Nasser Bin Jassim Al Thani, headed the convoy of humanitarian aid provided by his country to those afflicted as a result of the earthquakes that struck northwestern Syria on 6 February.

The convoy carried humanitarian and medical aid to the Jindires area in Afrin, north of Aleppo, sources told the news website aramme.com.

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