Middle East & North Africa

In first video message, kidnapped Israeli says she is a member of Mossad

14 November 2023; MEMO: An Iraqi television channel yesterday broadcast a video of Israeli-Russian doctoral student Elizabeth Tsurkov, the first ever since her kidnapping nine months ago in Baghdad, in an incident that the Israeli authorities blamed on pro-Iran Shia militias.

Tsurkov is likely to have entered Iraq on a Russian passport before being kidnapped in the capital at the end of March.

Qatar slams Israel’s bombing of its reconstruction HQ in Gaza

14 November 2023; MEMO: The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs has condemned the Israeli army’s bombing of the headquarters of the Qatar Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza.

In a statement issued yesterday, the ministry described the attack as “a clear violation of international law and an extension of Israel’s approach to targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, which also included hospitals, schools, population centres and shelters for displaced persons.”

Libya turns away oil tanker, citing prior Israel shipment

15 November 2023; MEMO: Libya turned away an oil tanker that was due to load a cargo from one of its ports, after the vessel previously performed a voyage to Israel, Bloomberg reports.

According to the report, the “Proteus Philippa” arrived near Mellitah in western Libya two days ago.

The vessel was set to load 600,000 barrels, but was asked to leave because it previously moved barrels to Haifa in Israel.

WHO says Israel raid on Gaza hospital is totally unacceptable

15 November 2023; MEMO: The World Health Organisation head said, on Wednesday, that the Israeli military incursion into Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza was “totally unacceptable”, Reuters reports.

Israeli troops entered Shifa, Gaza’s biggest hospital, on Wednesday as part of their assault on the Palestinian Territory.

Israel says Hamas fighters have headquarters in tunnels beneath it. Hamas denies this is the case.

First fuel delivery to UN in Gaza, Israel says hospitals cannot benefit

15 November 2023; MEMO: The first truck carrying fuel into Gaza since the start of Israel’s genocidal war on the Strip today crossed from Egypt to deliver diesel to the United Nations, though it will do little to alleviate shortages that have hampered relief efforts, Reuters reports.

Services at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital grind to halt after Israeli raid

15 November 2023; MEMO: Medical services at Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital came to a complete halt after the Israeli army invaded the Hospital Wednesday morning, Anadolu Agency reports.

A source inside Al-Shifa Hospital, requesting anonymity due to security reasons, told Anadolu that

Turkey's Erdogan calls Israel 'terror state', slams West

ANKARA, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday Israel was a "terror state" committing war crimes and violating international law in Gaza, sharpening his repeated criticism of Israeli leaders and their backers in the West.

Speaking two days before a planned visit to Germany to meet Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Erdogan said Israel's military campaign against Palestinian militant group Hamas included "the most treacherous attacks in human history" with "unlimited" support from the West.

UAE: Iran's 'Axis of Resistance' against Israel faces trial by fire

DUBAI, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Iran's supreme leader delivered a clear message to the head of Hamas when they met in Tehran in early November, according to three senior officials: You gave us no warning of your Oct. 7 attack on Israel and we will not enter the war on your behalf.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Ismail Haniyeh that Iran - a longtime backer of Hamas - would continue to lend the group its political and moral support, but wouldn't intervene directly, said the Iranian and Hamas officials with knowledge of the discussions who asked to remain anonymous to speak freely.

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