South America

Venezuelan general, colonel arrested over 'attack' on Maduro

Caracas, Aug 15 (AFP) Venezuela has arrested a general and a colonel as part of a probe into an alleged attempt to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro, the Supreme Court said today.

The arrests increased suspicions about possible divisions within the military, considered a bedrock of support for the widely unpopular president as Venezuela's economy unravels and people grow more and more desperate and angry.

Politicians involved in murder of Brazilian activist: govt

11 Aug 2018; AFP: Politicians and public servants have been linked to the murder of high-profile Brazilian lawmaker and black rights activist Marielle Franco, Brazil's security minister Raul Jungmann said late Friday.

Jungmann, who said the murder may be politically motivated, would not reveal any names at this time because doing so could "hinder progress in the investigation."

Nevertheless "I do not have the slightest doubt that there is nothing that prevents us denouncing them, all of them," Jungmann told reporters.

Colombia: Ivan Duque sworn in as new president

7 Aug 2018; DW: Ivan Duque has been sworn in as Colombia's president. He is the youngest man to ever hold the office. As a protege of former presdident Uriibe, analysts wonder how much of his own man he will be.

Ivan Duque has been sworn in as Colombia's president. He is the youngest man to ever hold the office. As a protege of former presdident Uriibe, analysts wonder how much of his own man he will be.

Argentina's ex-VP sentenced to 5 years and 10 months in prison on corruption charges

BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) -- Argentina's former Vice President Amado Boudou was sentenced on Tuesday to five years and 10 months in prison for "bribery and business dealings incompatible with public service."

Boudou, who served from 2011 to 2015 alongside then President Cristina Fernandez, was also barred for life from holding public office and fined 90,000 pesos (3,214 U.S. dollars).

Bolivian leader says US plotting intervention against Venezuela

MOSCOW, August 5. /TASS/. /TASS/. Bolivian President Evo Morales has accused the United States of plotting a military intervention against Venezuela and seeking support from Latin American leaders for these ends.

"Within the last 12 months, US Vice President Mike Pence made 3 trips to Latin America to meet at least 8 presidents from whom he demanded support for a military intervention against our brother president of Venezuela Nicol·s Maduro. Those are the Empire's coup attempts<" he wrote on his Twitter account.

Probe into attempt on Maduro’s life indicate US were behind - Venezuelan diplomat

TASS, August 5. First results of the probe into the attempt on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s life indicate that the United States and Colombia were behind it, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza said on Sunday.

"The investigation indicates that [US state of] Florida and [Colombian capital city] Bogota were the places where the plot was conspired," the Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information (Minci) said on its Twitter account, citing Arreaza.

Venezuelan Constituent Assembly blames right-wingers for being behind explosion

TASS, August 5. President of the Venezuelan Constituent Assembly Diosdado Cabello tweeted on Saturday that the attempted murder of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was organized by the right political forces.

"The right-wing compatriots insist on violence to occupy the positions which [they] failed to gain through elections. Our brother President Nicolas Maduro and the supreme political and military command came to no harm in the terror attack. They won’t overcome us," Cabello stated.

Bolivian president blames US for Venezuelan president’s attempted murder

TASS, August 5. The explosions in Caracas were an attempt of the US and its regional allies to eliminate Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Bolivian President Evo Morales tweeted on Saturday.

"We resolutely denounce another bout of violence and a cowardly assault on fraternal President Nicolas Maduro and the Bolivarian people. After the failed attempts to remove him from power by democratic, economic and military ways the empire (the US - TASS) and its lackeys are attempting his life," Morales said.

Maduro unharmed after drone 'attack' with explosives: Venezuela government

5 Aug 2018; AFP; Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro escaped an "attack" Saturday when multiple drones carrying explosives detonated near him as he gave a speech at a military ceremony Saturday, his government said, adding seven soldiers were wounded.

"This is an attack against President Nicolas Maduro," Communication Minister Jorge Rodriguez said following the incident that was caught during a live broadcast.

Brazil's Lula launches presidential candidacy from behind bars

4 Aug 2018; AFP; Even behind bars, Brazil's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will secure his leftist party's nomination Saturday and continue to overshadow more likely candidates in the country's most unpredictable presidential election for decades.

Saturday will see three big party conventions, two months before the first round of voting on October 7 in Latin America's dominant economy.

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