
Business & Economy

Flight of FPIs continues; equities worth Rs 31,430 crore sold in June so far

New Delhi, Jun 19 (PTI) Aggressive rate hike by the US Federal Reserve, coupled with elevated inflation and high valuation of equities continued to keep foreign investors at bay from the Indian stock market as they pulled out Rs 31,430 crore in this month so far.

With this, net outflow by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) from equities reached Rs 1.98 lakh crore so far in 2022, data with depositories showed.

Iran responds to UAE concerns over Tehran's nuclear plans

19 June 2022; MEMO: Iran on Saturday told the United Arab Emirates that Tehran gave a high priority to improving ties with its neighbours, Iranian state media reported, a day after the UAE voiced concern over Tehran's nuclear programme, Reuters reported.

The UAE's envoy at the United Nations' nuclear watchdog on Friday said he hoped Iran would work with the body to provide reassurances to the international community and the region about Tehran's nuclear programme.

Iran receives $1.6bn of gas debt from Iraq

Iran has received from Iraq a sum of $1.6 billion the Arab country owed to Iran for imports of natural gas in the past years, according to remarks by the Iranian Oil Minister, Javad Owji, AFP reports.

According to the report, Baghdad had been scheduled to pay that amount to Tehran before the start of June.

Owji stated that, on Thursday, the new payment by Iraq is related to an outstanding debt for natural gas imports that had taken place before the current Iranian administration came to office in August, report says.

Turkey: Erdogan says Saudi Crown Prince to visit, as ties warm

17 June 2022; MEMO: Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman will visit Turkiye on 22 June, a senior Turkish official told, AFP reports.

According to the report, it will be the Crown Prince's first visit to Turkiye since the killing of Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi in the Kingdom's consulate in Istanbul.

Iran says last talks with Saudi Arabia 'positive'

17 June 2022; MEMO: Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, on Thursday, described the last round of talks between his country and regional arch-rival, Saudi Arabia, as "positive", Anadolu News Agency reports.

In a phone call with his Iraqi counterpart, Fuad Hussain, Amir-Abdollahian said Tehran welcomes the outcome of the Iranian-Saudi talks in Baghdad, the semi-official Mehr news agency reported.

Europe gives Egypt $100m to support food security

16 June 2022; MEMO: President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced on Wednesday that Europe would immediately give Egypt $100 million. She added that it would also provide €3 billion to the region in the coming years to counter the damage to food supplies due to the Russian military operation in Ukraine, Anadolu Agency reported.

This came in a joint press conference with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi on the sidelines of her visit to Cairo.

Tanker built by Iran for Venezuela to carry fuel components in first trip

15 June 2022; MEMO: A tanker built by an Iranian shipyard for Venezuela plans to depart next month from the Middle Eastern country with a cargo of fuel components for the gasoline-thirsty nation, three sources with knowledge of the deal told Reuters.

The new vessel is the latest sign of the growing energy collaboration between the two nations under US sanctions. Iran and Venezuela are increasingly swapping crude for diluents and for fuel the South American country desperately needs due to the poor condition of its refining network.

Israel: 'Breakthrough in Saudi Arabia relations unlikely'; Lapid

16 June 2022; MEMO: Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid does not expect US President Joe Biden's visit to the Middle East to achieve a breakthrough in relations with Saudi Arabia.

In a press conference on the issue, Lapid expressed that Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia bears only symbolic significance.

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